(All images drawn are for righties; mirror the clock settings for lefties.)
I change axis tilt by turning my hand further inside than normal. Mornmal is thumb at 1/2:00, finger at 6:30/7:00. Further is closer to thumb at 2:00/2:30, and fingers at 8:00/8:30. Keeping hand in this position or as close as possible, until release point. At release, try to come through the ball, fingers staying at no more than 6:00 (Having turned from 8:30 to 6:00 at release). Through all this TRY to keep the wrist cocked, as much as possible; this may be the most difficult part for some. Visualize a fanning release, with fingers spread wide apart and at about shoulder height, coming off to the side as in old Don Johnson release photos.
For greater rotational release, it's just a matter of rotating your fingers around to 4:00 or even 3:00, AFTER the thumb has "escaped", instead of keeping them where they are at the release point. Note: the first time you try this, you will increase your axis tilt, because your thumb will start turning also and your track will lower. This is not correct. Keep the thumb where it is: try not to trun your wrist and/or thumb early. The thumb must exit first, before, or as close to "before" as possible. BEFORE, Before (repeated for emphasis) rotating your fingers around the side to 3:00 or 4:00.
Sorry, but that's as close as I can come to a rational description. "Feel" is mostly what I use. A Camera and a "good" coach can make a world of difference, if feel fails you.
Good luck.
Edited on 3/11/2005 1:33 PM