
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: JOE FALCO on May 30, 2004, 05:05:30 AM

Title: Ron Clifton .. NC get together of BR members
Post by: JOE FALCO on May 30, 2004, 05:05:30 AM
I was one of the BR members that went to RON'S bowling center in WINSTON SALEM NC. Ron was a TERRIFIC HOST and had activities to keep her busy THROUGH-OUT the day. I got there SATURDAY at 10 AM just in time to join the group for BREAKFAST on RON!

From there we went to bowl on six alleys that had three different conditions. The group was broked down so that everyone bowled two games on each pair. During the bowling Ron and his son were busy taking pictures that I'm sure he will put on the site as soon as this weekend is over.

When the session was over we continues to bowl on the six lanes .. some bowled clear through 9 PM. We bowled so late that we had trouble trying to find a RESTAURANT to have dinner. We finally did get a place open where we ate and then visited the KRISPY KREME DONUT shop where we had coffee and FRESH donuts .. we left there about MIDNIGHT.

There's a lot more to tell about the people that were there and the bowling fun. I want to leave the door open for others to tell their story.

I want to make sure I thank Ron his lovely wife and his son for making my stay there more then enjoyable. I'm already looking forward to NEXT YEAR!  

Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
Title: Re: Ron Clifton .. NC get together of BR members
Post by: Magic Carpet on May 31, 2004, 02:37:54 PM
Well I finely got the whole motly crew off and out of here.
I learned one thing. If Joe Falco ever says "let's bowl a few for $20 a game" Think twice before saying yes. If Joe Falco ever says "Let's see who can bowl the MOST games for $20" ....don't even think about it. RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!
I think joe is not 71 years old but 17 years old. He bowled 17 games straight before we pulled him away to go eat. (The two oldest guys there out lasted all of us spring chickens.) What a great guy to be around. He is the Engerizer Bunny. Heck if he was closer I think I would pay him just to bowl with my Jr. league. He would keep them fired up and happy.

The whole BallReviews crew was just great!! I hope they had a good time. If you see them don't laugh at them just because their bowlign arm is a foot longer than the other arm.

I till try to get some pics up on my website soon.

Well it's a couple days of rest then I will head out west.
Ron Clifton
The humble and very tired Host
Title: Re: Ron Clifton .. NC get together of BR members
Post by: JOE FALCO on May 31, 2004, 04:31:41 PM
Ron . Lot of luck on your WESTERN venture! Thanks again for organizing a great event. I hope next year you'll go through all the TROUBLE again .. and have us back ONE MORE TIME!

At this get-together we had RON (MAGIC CARPET)his wife KAREN who bowled up a storm and their son Michael who did most of the picture taking and a lot of the statistics for the group. Then there was BOY TOY who was accompanied by HEATHER; BRIANN; THINK YOUNG (who I had a chance to bowl a few with)and his wife Louise who also can throw a GREAT bowling ball; STRIDER (be careful when he finds his spot) who was with his wife Lettica (also a bowler); THONG PRINCESS who brought her LEFT HANDED BOWLING all the way from CA; JPRLANE; STRAIGHTUP7 who I watched bowl from a distance and looked awful good from my vantage point! There was another bowler there with his 2 young sons. I'm terrible with names but I think his name was ANDY. He threw a devastating ball and his two sons are FUTURE BR MEMBERS! One was 8 and the other a few years older and both had perfect attitudes to be GREAT BOWLERS (not the PW type but more the WRW type).

My only regret on the trip was .. I DIDN'T STAY LONGER!

Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
Title: Re: Ron Clifton .. NC get together of BR members
Post by: JOE FALCO on May 31, 2004, 04:44:08 PM
I don't THINK this ANDY was a BR member .. if it was CARD79 I apologize to him .. my fault for not asking MORE QUESTIONS!
Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
Title: Re: Ron Clifton .. NC get together of BR members
Post by: Magic Carpet on May 31, 2004, 05:08:33 PM
Andy is not a BR member. Just a close friend...well more than that. you will see his pic a lot in my bowling tips.
Title: Re: Ron Clifton .. NC get together of BR members
Post by: Buzzhead on May 31, 2004, 07:42:34 PM
UHHHHHHH, RON you may want to reword that last post about andy unless
your wife likes that. I know what you mean but some of these young idiots
will rip that up as soon as they see it.

Saws are made to cut ANYTHING including 10 pins
Title: Re: Ron Clifton .. NC get together of BR members
Post by: a_ak57 on May 31, 2004, 08:22:21 PM
Yeah, me too king...  I may be annoying, but I am somewhat respectful of those kinds of things....

Man, I hope these are still going on when I can drive down to NC by myself from here in southeast PA....
Title: Re: Ron Clifton .. NC get together of BR members
Post by: JOE FALCO on May 31, 2004, 09:38:22 PM
THE LILY. Up to about 6 months/1 year ago I never heard this expression. Through BR I was told it's called a LILY when you leave the 5/7/10 pins. I laughed when I heard it .. although I had seen it left before NEVER did I leave it. I've been bowling a whole lot of years!

Bowling in CREEKSIDE LANES (where the BR NC get-together was held) I LEFT THE LILY 3 DIFFERENT TIMES! Not only that I left the 7/10 twice. Naturally I won't tell you about all the wrong side STRIKES I got .. I'll leave you to believe that those 5 frames set me up with an excuse for bowling BAD!

It was a fun time that ALL should look to put it on their calendar NEXT year!


Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
Title: Re: Ron Clifton .. NC get together of BR members
Post by: Strider on June 01, 2004, 03:00:20 PM
The wife and I got back last night.  Had a great time again.  Anyone wanting a chance to help their game needs to visit Ron.  Of the 347 things I'm doing wrong, I have 2 major ones to work on.

Straightup7 won the bragging rights tourney.  He kept his ball in play and only a few 8 pins kept him from putting up some big scores.  JPRLane1's knee didn't last, but was a great guy to talk to.  A lefty and throwing Buzzsaws.  We're all doomed!    He would have been a contender if he could have trusted his knee.  Thongprincess was steady as usual.  She and I were working on our games, or the scores would have been higher.  Boytoy is Mr. SkidSnap.  I'd hate to see a Silver Streak Pearl in his hands.  Ron was working on his swing as well.  A little more control and watch out.  Think Young and his wife (lurkers) also were great to meet.  Both were benefiting from Ron's coaching.  Joe Falco - would someone please cheer this guy up???  What a dark cloud.  Not.  Never met someone with so much enthusiasm.  If you're feeling down, bowl a session with Joe.  He may not have won the bragging rights tourney, but probably won 80% of the rest of the games.  Win a game, change balls, win a game, change balls....

Maybe some of the members will pay me to stay away.  Tweener2K4 comes here and leaves a lilly.  Joe somehow threw 3 of them!

Beware of the Shrimp Nazi!
Penn State Proud

Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive (http://"")
Title: Re: Ron Clifton .. NC get together of BR members
Post by: ThongPrincess on June 01, 2004, 07:20:29 PM
I finally got home at about 9:30PM last night.  I was supposed to leave Greensboro at 12:50PM, but didn't make it out due to weather problems until almost 3PM.  Which happened to be the time my connecting flight from O'hare was supposed to be leaving for LA.  I did make it into O'Hare about 4 and caught the 5 PM flight that left at 6PM.  I knew things went too smoothly getting to NC

First I'd like to thank Ron for putting the gathering together, again it was great!  I'd also like to thank him for the compliments on my bowling and the encouragement provided.  My coach told me there waasn't really anything he could do for me and my physical game, Ron found plenty for me to work on.  With your instruction, I plan to take my game to the next level...200 average here I come.

It was a pleasure to meet Ron's wife and son.   She is a sweetheart and he sure knows his way around a computer.

Andy and family, it was good to see you again.   Those boys will be putting us all to shame on the lanes in no time.
Joe is an inspiration.  The energy he has is unbelievable and a genuine love of the game.  He is truely a role model for all bowlers.   It was wonderful seeing him again and I am glad I got to spend more time talking to him this year.

ThinkYoung and his wife are some good people.  I enjoyed bowling and talking with both and hope to see you again next year.

I didn't get to spend much time with JPLane1 and StraightUp7, but it was nice meeting them.

Strider and wife are a pleasure to bowl with and be around.  He had to try and take SrKegler's place with the lefty comments  He needs some lessons though.

I hope next year I will be able to spend as much time as this year.  Last year was just too short.  If I left anyone out, I'm sorry my brain is a bit fried right now... to all thank you for a great time!

Age is only a state of mind.  Since I lost mine years ago, I must be really young

Edited on 6/1/2004 7:24 PM
Title: Re: Ron Clifton .. NC get together of BR members
Post by: Strider on June 01, 2004, 10:53:49 PM
I need to add this for Michelle.  StraightUp7's bowling shoes could give Cooper's hat a run for the money.  They have to be older, but (obviously) are in better shape.  
Penn State Proud

Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive (http://"")
Title: Re: Ron Clifton .. NC get together of BR members
Post by: boytoy on June 03, 2004, 04:51:30 PM
I had a great time at the gathering. Wished we could have stayed longer and seen how Joe threw 17 games.... I would have died after 6 or 7. Must be the age thing. Older you get the longer you last? Heather came home and bowled her highest set so far. She said thanks to Ron... even though I didn't get a dang doughnut. That bacon was to die for. I will keep coming back for the breakfast . I did learn a thing or two and hopefully one day I can bowl like old men and last all night. Never had the stamina problem in anything else

Thanks to all the people that showed up and watched me bowl so bad (blame that on Ron), since he changed everything about the way I bowl. lol Great excuse anyway.

Bowl Cool Wear SHADES
Title: Re: Ron Clifton .. NC get together of BR members
Post by: boytoy on June 03, 2004, 04:55:01 PM
Ron has a few pics on his website    

Right hand side  Gathering 04 Pics.

Bowl Cool Wear SHADES
Title: Re: Ron Clifton .. NC get together of BR members
Post by: JOE FALCO on June 03, 2004, 05:21:03 PM
Thanks for the info on the pictures .. I would have missed them!
Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
Title: Re: Ron Clifton .. NC get together of BR members
Post by: Brickguy221 on June 04, 2004, 01:03:33 AM
Great pictures! I'm glad to see what everyone looks like. Especially those I communicate with. Joe Falco and I talk to each other almost daily.

PS: With pchee2 not there to entertain everyone, what did everyone do for entertainment after bowling everyday?
Retired and bowling on Fixed Income
Title: Re: Ron Clifton .. NC get together of BR members
Post by: Strider on June 04, 2004, 02:50:54 PM
Sunday night we went to a Japanese steakhouse and watched Ron drive the cook nuts.  No shrimp for you!
Penn State Proud

Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive (http://"")
Title: Re: Ron Clifton .. NC get together of BR members
Post by: Brickguy221 on June 04, 2004, 04:26:01 PM
No shrimp for you!

Whaaaaaaaa! Shrimp is my favorite no matter how it is fixed.

PS: Strider, you and I have talked to each other a few times in the past. Glad to see what you look like. I'll let you keep wondering about my looks.

Retired and bowling on Fixed Income

Edited on 6/4/2004 4:23 PM
Title: Re: Ron Clifton .. NC get together of BR members
Post by: JPRLane1 on June 07, 2004, 03:57:29 PM
Well, I have been away from my computer for some time but finally I can post.  I did enjoy the trip up to Ron's place its a very nice little house.  I had a lot of fun only wish there could have been more people there but the ones who did come were great.  I am happy to say my knee is ok I did go to the Dr. and everything looks good and I have been bowling on it since the trip.  It was fun for the 4 games I made it through but had I been 100% I couldn't have kept up with straightup7,strider, and Andy they are all great bowlers.  Thongprincess is very nice and has a very good and consistent shot, and she is left handed which really makes her great.  JoeFalco is a specimen indeed I haven't ever seen so much energy out of someone even my age I hope I have half of what he does when I am 73 years old. He is a still throwing 16#'s and is still a great bowler. Andy although not a BR member was a very nice guy and a great bowler and Strider as Joe said once he found his line was very dangerous and very nice guy to talk to.  Straightup7 doesn't impress me but thats just cause I have to bowl with him here in charlotte all the time.  Seriously though he is also a great bowler.  Boytoy throws it pretty good he just needs some thing to grab the lane a little earlier and not throw it so hard but him and his (girlfriend/wife?) were both very nice people.  Ron seems very nice and honestly seems to want to help everyone become a better bowler.  I would suggest visiting him if your game needs help I know I will definitely be scheduling a formal lesson with him in the near future.  Thanks to everyone see you all next year and hopefully we can fill up the house.
I should just quit bowling, oh wait I already tried that.
Now that I am back and my Saws are sharp again, I am ready to cut some wood.
Title: Re: Ron Clifton .. NC get together of BR members
Post by: LuckyLefty on June 07, 2004, 04:26:47 PM
Ron and Creekside lanes are great!

I had a friend who's a regional champ and pro visiting in Western Carolina.
We wanted to meet somewhere me in VA.

We decided to meet at Creekside and hang out.  We had a great time with Ron and bowling and hanging out.  It's just one of those places or he's just one of those guys!

My friend is still excited about it!

