throwing it bad......
Don't we all? Lol
I actually think this is a great thread as it makes you think about your own game but you can also see what other people do or don't do and see if it applies to yourself.
SVstar34, I agree. While I was reading through the posts, I was thinking the same thing. A lot of other bowlers' bad habits or what they see happening, I can relate back to myself, especially since I switched to LH. I have a lot of bad habits going on right now, many of them previously listed by others.
RH, I was a low tracker, used to be a spinner, so I had a tendency to top the ball or turn very early. But I was accurate, just low revs.
LH, where to begin? Just finished my first year LH, but my biggest problems/habits are probably related. Missing my target by five boards consistently, pulling the ball across the body, no spare game (I have tried various spare systems, but when you miss your target by five boards, you have no spare game). All of those are related. Lifting my eyes off the target too soon to follow the ball. Probably turning my hand too soon since I did it as a RH.
The past week I have been working on that and although I seem to feel like I am getting closer to the target and reducing the pull shots, my scores don't reflect that.
One weird thing I have noticed as a new LH, whenever I leave pins, which is almost every frame, I always see the pins as the RH counterpart. If I leave the 3-5-6, in my mind I think of it as the 2-4-5. It takes a few seconds for my 65 yr old brain to sort it out properly.