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Author Topic: Roto Grip Silver Streak RS Red/Black 11 lbs  (Read 423 times)


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Roto Grip Silver Streak RS Red/Black 11 lbs
« on: July 12, 2009, 11:48:36 AM »
Posted: 7/12/2009 7:35 PM            
TO EVERY ONE OUT THERE, I am sorry that my little post to find a ball is causing so much controversy and name calling between groups. And no I don't want the newest model, get it drilled and move on. I am not in a league, and I don't bowl on a regular basis, and I don't want a 16 lb one to put up on a mantel. It's just that I wasn't even asked when they put my ball in the casket. IT WAS A GIFT GIVEN TO ME BY MY BOYFRIEND. It was kind of like the 3 bears, 10 lbs was too light, 12 lbs was too heavy, and 11 lbs was just right. And his friend who owns the garden city pro shop had the perfect ball for me. The first 3 balls I rolled with it were 3 strikes.... I had put my own things in the casket that I WANTED IN THERE, THINGS I had made my boyfriend and CARDS I HAD given him. I never expected that my ball would end up in there.
Thank you to the people on here who understand that, and who actually want to try and help me find my ball. And thank you to those who defended my sentimental view as to why I want this exact ball. But please, lets all grow up and stop the name calling.
Trying to stop the tears,