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Author Topic: Who's better- Those that shot a 900 Series or the Pros?  (Read 3339 times)


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Who's better- Those that shot a 900 Series or the Pros?
« on: January 15, 2016, 06:33:28 PM »
Reading one of the other post, I got to wondering, how many professional bowlers on tour have shot 900 series? I am sure there may be one or two, but I do not know of any.

This leads to my second question, does this mean that the guys that have shot 900 series are better than all of the professional bowlers on tour?

Luck, skills, a specially walled up shot, or a combination of all three?

If skill and a walled up shot is all it takes, seems to me that some of the pros that bowl local ths should be knocking out 900s on a regular basis.

From what I saw on the video of the guy that shot the most recent 900, did not look like he threw two shots within three boards of each other on the video, but maybe that was just the angle I was looking at.

Any way, are these guys better than the pros, or just lucky.



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Re: Who's better- Those that shot a 900 Series or the Pros?
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2016, 06:41:04 PM »
Just lucky.


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Re: Who's better- Those that shot a 900 Series or the Pros?
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2016, 06:41:18 PM »
I hope your joking. That guy got as lucky as the 3 people that won the Powerball. Yeah you still have to hit the pocket but you also have to get lucky and kick all the pins out every time. Like another poster stated the stars were just aligned on that day. I would take the pros everyday and twice on Sunday over anyone that shot a 900.


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Re: Who's better- Those that shot a 900 Series or the Pros?
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2016, 07:09:23 PM »
Vince Wood bowled on tour after he had his 900 until he quit because he had to have cyst removed from his wrist.  He didnt embarrass himself, but didn't do anything special.  He didn't bowl out there long though. If you look him up his league averages are pretty rediculous.

But no matter, none of these 900 shooters are in the league of a Weber, Belmonte, Barnes, ect.


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Re: Who's better- Those that shot a 900 Series or the Pros?
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2016, 09:13:43 PM »
Dave Bolles shot 900 in a regional and Norm Duke...
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Re: Who's better- Those that shot a 900 Series or the Pros?
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2016, 08:01:24 AM »
People that complain a 900 are the same people that complain its to sunny outside. If its THAT easy how come everyone doesnt have one. PS...There are a lot of amateurs that are better then pros but the amateurs make more money in their day jobs then they could on tour.


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Re: Who's better- Those that shot a 900 Series or the Pros?
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2016, 09:56:07 AM »
Whether it is 900, 800, or 300 the correlation between lots of award scores and the best bowlers has never been as high as the average person would believe.  Many people probably don't remember the name Elvin Mesger.  For many years back in the 60s and 70s Mr Mesger held the record for the most career sanctioned 300 games at 27.  Doesn't sound like many today, but in that era, not Don Carter, Dick Weber, Ray Bluth or any other great bowler from the St Louis area approached that number of 300 games. 

In my own association, the guy who had the most award scores during the 70s was a good bowler, but never won a local scratch tournament during that same era. 

There are indeed a lot of local scratch bowlers who are competitive with the pros, but the ability to perform at a high level in a versatile manner rather than lock in on a persons comfort zone is more indicative of being a great bowler.   


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Re: Who's better- Those that shot a 900 Series or the Pros?
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2016, 02:13:08 PM »
Without a doubt, the PRO'S are way better. Try and bowl a regional tournament  OR bowl in the WSOB and see what the lane conditions are. You will see what you are in for. Every once in a while league bowlers will shoot some great scores. Now I am not taking anything away from being perfect, because shooting 900 to me is like,  I don't see how I could be so lucky to carry 36 in a row. That is an unbelievable accomplishment! But bowling against the pro's, is even harder.
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Re: Who's better- Those that shot a 900 Series or the Pros?
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2016, 10:18:48 PM »
I have the privilege of bowling with a 900 shooter each week.

I am not convinced he is better than the pros but he is quite good.  An example of his particular talents is he recently went 290 300 for an 801 on a reverse block where no one was going to shoot 600 on the pair besides him till one guy lucked into a 230 last game.

900s are a combination great calm bowling, belief, great carry and a combination statistical factors coming together to create this statistically still rare event. 

The difference today over 10 years ago is mostly belief that it can be done by the bowler.  Most of the other conditions have been in place for almost 20 years.  Reactive balls, blended crowned top hats, and big pin carry and lively side walls.


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Re: Who's better- Those that shot a 900 Series or the Pros?
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2016, 07:16:51 AM »
I to have bowled with a bowler that has shot 900.  He is not that good.  He shot his 900 on a walled up league shot.  He bowls nationals every year with different teams because he goes out and shoots sub 1700 every year and gets kicked from the teams.  You need to look at the bowler and what they bowled the 900 on.  Even a mid level pro is better than most the bowlers that have shot 900.
- Cory