Reading one of the other post, I got to wondering, how many professional bowlers on tour have shot 900 series? I am sure there may be one or two, but I do not know of any.
This leads to my second question, does this mean that the guys that have shot 900 series are better than all of the professional bowlers on tour?
Luck, skills, a specially walled up shot, or a combination of all three?
If skill and a walled up shot is all it takes, seems to me that some of the pros that bowl local ths should be knocking out 900s on a regular basis.
From what I saw on the video of the guy that shot the most recent 900, did not look like he threw two shots within three boards of each other on the video, but maybe that was just the angle I was looking at.
Any way, are these guys better than the pros, or just lucky.