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Author Topic: Early Results of a New Perspective  (Read 744 times)


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Early Results of a New Perspective
« on: November 22, 2013, 09:34:32 AM »
I'm a complete mess, I'll just get that out there right now.  Obviously from my numerous posts I'm a headcase, and complicating that are physical issues and shortcomings.  Somewhere in the middle of it all though, something clicked.  I've always paid tons of attention and tried to work every angle I could to get that extra edge, but sometimes all it's done is over-complicate things because I've tried to do too much.  In talking through and debating a bunch of things over the last several months, reading the USBC ball motion study, and talking to several different people, I've come to the realization that bowling is so infinitely complicated that it really boils down to a veritable crapshoot.  Once you let go of the ball, it's literally and figuratively out of your hands.  Obviously there are a number of things you can do to greatly increase your probability of success, but I've thrown enough games to realize that how you throw the ball and what your score ends up being don't have much in common a larger percentage of the time than what you might think. 

Anyway, what happened?  My completely OCD brain must have either overloaded or finally gotten the point, but all the sudden I'm loose, and I've never been loose bowling before.  Not without the assistance of whiskey at least.  I've always had a very precise idea of how I wanted my ball to roll in my mind at all times and have tried to do exactly that every shot, all the while completely ignoring what I'm consistently physically capable of.  This year that has meant getting tired at one point or another in the set and having an extremely poor game either the 2nd or the 3rd and ruining an otherwise good series. 

To get to the point though, this week went really well.  I was able to really simplify my goals, and just let go of the ball.  My speed is up a bit, and my revs are down, but there's more balance or a better matchup.  That takes a few things off my mind, and removes a few physical issues, which further frees up my head to concentrate on execution.  Scored very well, but more importantly I threw the ball well for all 6 games this week, when for the last several months it's just been 3 or 4 games a week.  Thanks to all who have chimed in, debated with me, or posted their knowledge on my posts.  It's helped me pass it on, but it's also helped me with my own game.  Not big on honor scores on a house shot, but I'd REALLY like to get that crystal 800 trophy this season, those awards are the nicest I think I've ever seen from USBC. 
What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis?



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Re: Early Results of a New Perspective
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2013, 10:00:28 AM »
Congrats on the good week.  I always tell people that league bowling (or any competitive bowling environment) is when things should be the easiest.  I feel more stress and fatigue during practice sessions.  Once the competition starts, I allow what my practice sessions have developed to happen naturally.