Hey Great One,
How are you doing? A few things to take in consideration with that time period. One, mostly all those who bowled only had one ball, not like bowlers today who have an arsenal of 5+. It also didn't take the same amount of time then to drill then vs now because they were no high tech layouts and so on, engraving a name was another part of the service and routine. Probably the main but most overlooked reason that names were big then is because ALL the balls were black, you had to distinguish them somehow.
A bowling ball was and still is a very personalized possession, it is a custom fit to the individual making it fairly unique. Most people kept these balls for a long time, I still see seniors with theirs to this day. When I was drilling in the late 70's and early 80's, names were still a very big thing. Only now do I see it not being such a big concern except to children to whom I always engrave names for. You'd have to see a kid's face just light up when they see their own name on the ball...hope this helps explain some.
Rick Leong
Ten Pins Pro Shop
Track Pro Shop Staff
Vise Grip Staff
Edited on 2/18/2004 7:55 AM