I'm not sure if you're negating what was said about Denatured ethyl being on the label for some cleaners. It was on several of Storm's labels a few (2-4) years back. However you're right in that, a full list of ingredients are never listed on any cleaner. One goes so far as to put this on the label:
"Formula contains items considered to be a Trade Secret and are withheld with the provisions of 1910.1200 of Title 29 of the code of Federal Regulations (USA). Contains nohazardous components as listed in 29 CFR 1900.1200 or other pertinent sections of OSHA regulations."
By the way, it seems that most of the really good, everyday, bowling ball cleaners available seem (to my eyes and nose and feel) to be water based. I include in that list
- Valentino's Remedy RX
- Neo-Tac's/Brunswick's Liquid Nitro
- Ultimate's Rejuvenator
- ZappIt
"None are so blind as those who will not see."