Are they going to go away from gimmicks and try and appeal more to bowlers and less to people flipping channels?
Because those who don''t bowl don''t watch it on TV.(ratings would show as proof, and most that do bowl don''t like the telecast constantly changing. Gold pins and cheering during the bowlers approach were all horrible ideas that the PBA never seems to learn from.)
The Six Flag event was painful for bowlers to try and watch. Try being the key word. It had more commercial time and filler then actual bowling. This will only lose more viewers. I barely made it through a full telecast.
Get the format to a standard field of four or five, step ladder match, indoors, and in bowling alleys. Maybe get rid of the score board and other stuff they put up that makes every bowling center look the same. Every TV show looks like they are bowling in the same house/mini stadium.
" men lie, women lie, numbers don''t "
Edited on 7/15/2010 3:06 PM