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Author Topic: USBC Awards  (Read 1034 times)


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USBC Awards
« on: November 04, 2008, 11:08:24 AM »
I was wondering if anyone knows where I can find a list of all the awards you are able to get and what is needed on each one of them?  I was looking on and there are some on there I see you can get but don't know how or why?  Like 200 game, 120 game.  The ones like that.



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Re: USBC Awards
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2008, 07:38:11 PM »
Here you go:

Rule 51a - Single Game Awards
1.   A member is eligible for one award in each of the following categories during a fiscal year (August 1-July 31):
a.   300*
b.    250 to 299 with a 170 average or below
c.    200 to 249 with a 160 average or below
d.    180 to 199 with a 140 average or below
e.    160 to 179 with a 120 average or below
f.     140 to 159 with a 100 average or below
g.    120 to 139 with a 90 average or below
h.    100 to 119 with a 70 average or below
i.     80 to 99 with a 50 average or below
j.   Eleven (11) strikes in a row when the score is 299 or less*
k.   100 pins over game average
l.   75 pins over game average
2.   A bowler qualifying for 75 and 100 pins over average recognition for a single game, is only eligible to receive the 100 pins over average recognition award unless they have already earned the award. In that case, the bowler will receive the 75 pins over average award unless they have already earned that award.
3.   Where a choice of awards is available in any category the member is entitled to a choice of an award for the first score recorded. Any additional score in the same category that fiscal year will be officially recognized by USBC, but will not qualify for an award.
Rule 51b - Series Awards

Three consecutive games must be bowled in league or tournament play to qualify for series awards. For average requirements on average based awards, see Rule 53.
1.   A series shall be figured as follows:
a.   If more than three but less than six games are bowled, use the first three games.
b.   If six or more games are bowled, use each succeeding set of three games following the first three games.
2.   In tournament play, each three game series must be bowled in the same block.
3.   A series of games can be bowled consecutively against one or more opponents.
4.   Games must be bowled on the same date.
5.   A member is eligible for one award in each of the following three game series categories during a fiscal year (August 1-July 31):
a.   900 series*
b.   800 to 899*
c.   700 to 799 with a 210 average or below
d.   600 to 699 with a 175 average or below
e.   500 to 599 with a 140 average or below
f.    400 to 499 with a 115 average or below
g.   300 to 399 with a 90 average or below
h.   200 to 299 with a 50 average or below
i.    140 pins over series average
6.   Where a choice of awards is available in any category the member is entitled to a choice of an award for the first score recorded. Any additional score in the same category that fiscal year will be officially recognized by USBC, but will not qualify for an award.

USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07

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Re: USBC Awards
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2008, 07:39:09 PM »
They are all right here ^^^ and spelled out for you. What exactly are you asking?

3 holes of fun!!