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Author Topic: Rule question  (Read 987 times)


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Rule question
« on: February 06, 2009, 10:29:24 AM »
Im a youth bowler and I was wondering if there is a rule saying your not allowed to smoke during league. All the centers are smoke free so I try to run out between games but i was told last week that im not allowed. Im 18 and I was wondering if there was a rule saying im not allowed to smoke.


Spider Ball Bowler

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Re: Rule question
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2009, 06:32:20 PM »
I'm not sure, but when I was a youth, I got in trouble when I was 16 for going outside for a smoke.
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Re: Rule question
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2009, 06:32:45 PM »
The rule is delaying the game, I personally do not like the people that run away between games on me either.

Just drink a beer and chill out until you are done or stop bowling,not directed at you if you get the idea how us anal people think.


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Re: Rule question
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2009, 06:39:04 PM »
I always make sure im back and ready to bowl when its my turn. I run out and smoke maybe half and put it out and im usually back in before our first bowler even starts his next game so im not holding anyone up. The league secretary seems to have it out for our team because shes always trying to catch us doing something wrong and turns a blind eye to what anyone else does. Its pretty frustrating being singled out the way we are.

Kid Jete

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Re: Rule question
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2009, 06:41:28 PM »
Unless it's written in your league rules I can't see it being a problem.  Your old enough and not holding anyone up.


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Re: Rule question
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2009, 06:52:06 PM »
The rule is delaying the game, I personally do not like the people that run away between games on me either.

Just drink a beer and chill out until you are done or stop bowling,not directed at you if you get the idea how us anal people think.
He's 18.  It's illegal for him to drink beer.

As kidjete said, unless it is written into the league rules or he is not ready to bowl when his turn comes up, his going for a smoke between games should not be a problem.
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Re: Rule question
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2009, 06:57:13 PM »
Here is the rule that says you cannot use tobacco products:

17d. Youth Conduct
Individuals holding youth membership can be removed from competition/functions and/or suspended/denied membership for the following:
1.   Conduct derogatory to the best interest of youth bowling including, but not limited to, the following in conjunction with youth competition and functions:
a.   Using tobacco products, illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages.
b.   Using foul language or gestures.
c.   Wearing clothing depicting foul language or gestures.
2.   Prior adjudication of delinquency or conviction of a crime including, but not limited to, crimes involving physical or mental abuse or sexual assault.
NOTE:  A complaint may be filed only in the current season or the season immediately following the alleged violation.  The complaint shall be in writing and detail the charges against the member(s) and the USBC rule(s) involved.  The complaint shall be signed by the person(s) making the charges and filed with USBC Headquarters.

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USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
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