On my Friday Night fun league we lost one of our bowlers and asked one of the guys that subed to join us. He had bowled about 4 or 5 nights during the first half of the league. He became a permanent member the last week of the first half. He and I are 1st and 2nd in average for men in the league. This is not a big money league, they only pay the winners of each half. The league secretary now says that he can not be considered for any awards since he will not have bowled over 2/3 of the games as a team member, and he is not entitled to any awards from when he was a sub (he has the league high game at 277). This does not sould right to me. Can anyone give me a rule that I can quote to her saying that she is wrong?
I have been league high average before so this is nota big deal to me, but he has not and it would mean a great deal to him.