Dear thedjs and Aloarjr810:
The original poster referred to a claim (albeit by a bowler not directly involved in the competition) that a pin was allegedly down, whereas Rule 7 deals primarily with "pins set improperly" and/or off-spot.
Rule 8a (dealing with Dead Ball) would be more appropriate. It reads: A ball shall be declared dead if ... after a delivery, attention is IMMEDIATELY [emphasis mine] called to the fact that one or more pins were missing from the setup.
Rule 10 (dealing with Provisional Ball) may be applicable, in that it reads: A provisional ball or frame shall be bowled when a protest involving a foul, legal pinfall or a dead ball is made and cannot be resolved by the two team captains or a tournament official.
IMPORTANTLY, in this case, a provisional ball would NOT be required, and the original delivery (and result) should be allowed to stand. Keep in mind that THERE WAS NO PROTEST FILED, and further, both captains apparently WERE able to resolve the situation. Case closed.