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Author Topic: Rules question regarding drop rule.  (Read 4816 times)


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Rules question regarding drop rule.
« on: June 25, 2010, 06:23:39 AM »
I bowl in a summer men’s league at Strathmore Lanes in NJ, and I wanted to run a quick rules question by you.  Here’s our situation:

My teammate averaged a 218 in this league two years ago (2008), and last year (2009) he averaged a 201.  Last year, his handicap was based on a 208 average because our league has always had a 10-pin drop rule.  My question to you is: What is his entering average for this season?  Is it a 208 or 201?  I believe that his entering average should be a 201, because that is what he ACTUALLY bowled last year.  His drop average for this year shouldn’t be based on what he bowled two years ago; it should be based on what he bowled last year.  Subsequently, his drop average for this year should be a 191 and not a 198.  His drop average should be 10 pins less than last year’s average, and NOT 20 pins under what he bowled two years ago.

We do not have our own rulebook so I need to defer to the USBC rules.  This wouldn't an issue if this bowler wasn't struggling terribly obviously, but the difference in handicap has already cost us 4 points (2 wins).   To make matters worse, 3 weeks ago, this came into question, I approached the league president and told him that his avg on the sheet was wrong and that it should be 201.  He then entered it as 201 and we won a game. (1 game out of the 2 talked about above).  Last week, he decided that he was wrong and took the game away from us, without telling us (we noticed on the standing sheet).  Ironically, it came into play again last week and we ended up losing our 2nd game because of it.

I don't have a rulebook.  I spoke to our regional rep and he said w/out looking at the leagues rules (which we dont have and havnt had in a few years), he believes I'd be correct, but that we may need to vote on it during a called "league meeting".   I do not believe we should have to vote on anything absent a rule to the contrary.   What do you guys think.  



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Re: Rules question regarding drop rule.
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2010, 03:04:45 PM »
I'm not aware of an average drop rule for leagues in the USBC rule book.

This would appear to be a league rule/issue.

Since you don't appear to have league rules you might be at the mercy of the league officers or a vote of the league.

I would agree with you. The drop should be from the actual average carried the year before. Since his actual average last year was 201 (and if the league is santioned I assume that is recorded in the book) then the minimum average he could have this year would be 191.


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Re: Rules question regarding drop rule.
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2010, 03:18:00 PM »
not that it matters.our rules are you use last years league average for the first 3 weeks then your average is figured from last season then the 9 games for a new average.but as mentioned the league rulings stand  unless might make sure to change that for next year at the meeting.or have the captains vote it in.
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Re: Rules question regarding drop rule.
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2010, 05:00:32 PM »
My interpretation of it is that unless there's a rule that says you can use the average from two years ago (218), then you must use last year's average.  Average, not drop rule average.  Someone asks you what you average, you don't tell 'em "201, but for league purposes, it's 208".  If you enter a tournament, you don't tell 'em you average 208, you tell 'em 201.

All the drop rules I've read have used last year's actual average.  The drop average isn't a true average, it's completely unrelated to the bowler's abilities.



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Re: Rules question regarding drop rule.
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2010, 08:07:32 PM »
Maybe I'm missing something here, and this is just my opinion, but if there is no written league rules and USBC has no drop rule defined, where is the league defining their drop rule?  I don't see how you can have a drop rule without a set of written and voteded upon league rules.


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Re: Rules question regarding drop rule.
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2010, 08:26:21 PM »
201 per the USBC rule book since no other rules apply.
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Re: Rules question regarding drop rule.
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2010, 09:00:32 PM »
10 pin drop rule should be based on last year's actual average for the league - 201.  That's been my understanding of the rule in many different leagues that use it.

If the league has a 10 pin drop rule then there should be written rules for the league somewhere.
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