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Author Topic: Rules question: sanding a ball during league competition  (Read 7917 times)


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Rules question: sanding a ball during league competition
« on: December 09, 2008, 03:21:13 PM »
I'm president of a league and bowling mid way through the league.  The treasuer came up to me and said that someone was sanding their bowling ball after two frames of the second game.  The treasuer told him he wasn't allowed to sand the ball and use it in league play.  He didn't listen.  The team captain on lane 3 seen this and told the team captin on lane 2 (the two teams were not bowlng each other)to stop the bowler from using the ball before he threw it in competution.  The team captain did not listen and let him throw the ball.

Now my officers and some team captains are coming to me and want me to impose a forfiet.  I listen to both sides and assign a forfiet.  

A week later they want to have a meeting and vote whether or not to impose the forfiet.  Half of those that wanted to impose the forfiet now have forgiveness and want to give them the point back.

I went to the local USBC office today before the league started and talked with the local secretary and she called the main USBC headquarters and said I was correct in assigning the forfiet.  I know there's going to be a protest.

How would you have handled this?

Thank you,

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)



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Re: Rules question: sanding a ball during league competition
« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2008, 01:03:19 PM »
as being a  secy,  you can give a warning 1st time
but if caught again, forfeit points ect.
or suspend the bowler

nobody wants to make waves
if they lost the game anyway then nothing will get done
but if they were bowling you and you lost the game
see if it changes then,



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Re: Rules question: sanding a ball during league competition
« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2008, 01:13:31 PM »
The treasurer IS an official league officer.  He cannot enforce the rules, but as you have stated, he issued the warning to the player NOT to use the ball after altering the surface.  

1. Ample warning was given

  Player, after being told/warned by others ( not league officials ) that it was against U.S.B.C. rules to alter the surface after competition starts, and that the ball was ineligible for play after alterations were made, decided to disregard those rules and use it anyway.

2. Disregard of the rules with full knowledge of them.

  Here is a direct cut&paste from the online rulebook at

18. Bowling Ball - Altering Surface

Altering the surface of a bowling ball by the use of abrasives while bowling in USBC competition is prohibited.

All bowling balls so altered must be removed from the competition. (See Chapter 7, Section 2, for additional information.)


NOTE:  If it is shown the bowler had prior knowledge his/her actions were in violation of Rule 18, the game(s) in which the violation occurred is (are) subject to forfeiture. In addition, the bowler is subject to dismissal from the league and suspension of membership.


Competition is defined as the remainder of the current game and remaining game(s) in the series being bowled.


The use of approved cleaning agents such as isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol and polishing machines is permissible.




Commonly Asked Questions – Rule 18


 When can an acceptable cleaner be used on a bowling ball?

Unless otherwise provided by league or tournament rule, cleaners designated as acceptable by USBC standards can be used on bowling balls at any time during USBC competition. For a complete list of acceptable cleaning agents, see

 Can abrasives be used during certified competition?

The outer surface of any bowling ball cannot be altered with an abrasive after the start of competition. This includes balls that have not yet been introduced into play.

Further, the start of competition is defined as the point the first ball is thrown by any participant for score. This would allow a bowler to alter the outer surface of a ball during practice and not be in violation of Rule 18.

 A tournament consists of doubles and singles events. The singles event is bowled first immediately followed by the doubles. Can I sand my bowling ball between events?

No, Rule 18 does not allow the outer surface of any bowling ball to be altered with an abrasive after the start of competition. This includes balls that have not yet been introduced into play.

The start of competition is defined as the point the first ball is thrown by any participant for score. Since the tournament is conducting singles and doubles concurrently, you cannot alter the surface of the bowling ball (including sanding) between events.

 Can a bowler use an abrasive on just the track or just a portion of the track of the ball?

No. USBC specifications require that the entire surface of the ball be sanded in a uniform manner. Sanding a ball in any other manner would be a violation of Rule 17a, Item 1. The penalty for a violation of this rule can include disqualification, forfeiture, removal from the league, and/or suspension of USBC membership.

  According to this, not only does the team HAVE to forfeit, the member can also be dismissed from the league and have their U.S.B.C. membership revoked!

  All this being said, the complaint/protest has/needs to be an official one ( written complaint is best, that way you have indelible proof ) and the outcome is usually subject to a vote by the board ( Officers and team captains alike ).

  It IS your duty to enforce the rules, but NOT to interpret them, so it would be better to have had a full vote on it before taking any actions.

  I don't know if a verbal complaint and an unofficial "meeting" would qualify you to force the forfeit.  Best contact the local U.S.B.C. office for clarification as to whether what was done will stand up or not.

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Edited on 12/10/2008 2:25 PM
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Re: Rules question: sanding a ball during league competition
« Reply #18 on: December 10, 2008, 02:32:03 PM »
Only a league can penalize one of it's teams a game or set forfeiture not the USBC. Only a league can kick one of it's members out. And only a league can request to the USBC that one of it's members be suspended from USBC membership which is why the wording is "Subject to" Any said member has the right to appeal. In this case, if Nicanor enforces the forfeiture, the USBC will uphold the forfeiture. If he decides not to enforce the forfeiture at the request of the league, then no game will be forfeited and no apppeal to USBC. The USBC rules govern bowling and leagues are responsible for inforcement. Punishment for violations of said rules are determined by the league.
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Re: Rules question: sanding a ball during league competition
« Reply #19 on: December 10, 2008, 02:40:14 PM »
Only a league can penalize one of it's teams a game or set forfeiture not the USBC. Only a league can kick one of it's members out. And only a league can request to the USBC that one of it's members be suspended from USBC membership which is why the wording is "Subject to" Any said member has the right to appeal. In this case, if Nicanor enforces the forfeiture, the USBC will uphold the forfeiture. If he decides not to enforce the forfeiture at the request of the league, then no game will be forfeited and no apppeal to USBC. The USBC rules govern bowling and leagues are responsible for inforcement. Punishment for violations of said rules are determined by the league.
"I don't want to be remembered, I want to be forgotten"

  Yeah, I know. I may have worded my reply incorrectly, giving the impression that the U.S.B.C. would enforce the rulings. If I did, I apologize as this was not my intent.  Just, after having been secretary last summer ( for the first time ), I had to handle a situation where someone would not show up to bowl and would not send the money he owed.

  The Dallas B.A. said to get the complaint/protest in writing ( to make it official ), notify the party of the charges and of when the meeting would be held, then hold a board meeting and have a vote on the subject, all while keeping accurate minutes of the proceedings.

  It all had to be documented before anything could be done.  That is what I was saying.  To make sure everything is written down, otherwise people can come back and claim anything they want to.

  If the guy broke the rules, he should be reprimanded, even if that means his TEAM has to forfeit.  But, anytime something like this happens, there can be a backlash.  It's just easier, and better, to document things and let the board vote on things. Then the U.S.B.C. can act appropriately, if necessary.
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Re: Rules question: sanding a ball during league competition
« Reply #20 on: December 10, 2008, 05:05:16 PM »
Thanks again.

According to the local USBC office, even if the directors voted to disallow the  could appeal that vote to the USBC.  So as president of the league I thought that if I make a decision for the forfeit since it is my responsibility to enforce the rules, then the team can protest to the USBC and see if they can have my ruling over turned.

Most captains wanted the forfeit, not all and 2 of the four officers wanted the forfeit. So rather then take a vote and split the league on this and possibly have hard feelings, I made the decision and will wait to see if the team protest.

Thanks again for all the responses.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)