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Author Topic: ryan shafer  (Read 3699 times)


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ryan shafer
« on: November 17, 2004, 06:00:17 AM »
i have meet and talked to a number of the pros, and most of them are very approachable.

the good ones I have come across are parker bohn III, brad angelo, marshall holman, carmen salvino (the nicest guy on earth), chris barnes, brian kretzer and brian himmler,  and some others were very very nice.

a couple of pros that came off as jerks to me could be walter ray (from what i've heard) ryan shafer (had an incident with him at last years us open) and george branham III (i met him when i was 12, bowling a junior pro am and he wouldnt sign ANY of the kids autographs)



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Re: ryan shafer
« Reply #16 on: November 17, 2004, 10:38:39 PM »
How many of you have had a chance to really interact with the stars of Golf, you name it. Sometimes we just don’t know how lucky we have it.

I haven't had the opportunity to meet "Bones" yet.......
Retired and bowling on Fixed Income
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Re: ryan shafer
« Reply #17 on: November 18, 2004, 08:52:53 AM »
I bowled a pro-am with Ryan Shafer. He was a great guy. Kind of a dry humor but extremely funny and would drop a hint if he saw something he could fix in your game. He probably would fit in on a mens league night more than some of his contemporaries because of his humor but we had a blast with him.
Walter Ray was quiet but very nice. He is not a very outspoken personality, that is just his way. Parker Bohn, Mika, Amletto, Wiseman & Couch all nice guys, very personable.
I found PDW to be a bit frosty like he was doing you a favor being there and signing autographs, but not so much as rude just a little aloof. Himmler was kind of the same but ok.


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Re: ryan shafer
« Reply #18 on: November 18, 2004, 02:19:34 PM »
Everyone has their days, some good and some bad. I would tend to cut them slack  in interaction. It has a lot of mental baggage when your a pro especially when money is not that good. I have seen many pro's such as Barnes,McCune, and Jess Stayrook have temper tantrums at the lanes but I have never had to step in their shoes so I feel it is not right to judge. Did I believe they handled themselves in a professional manor, no, but sh*t happens. Only one guy I was ready to literally POP in the nose, and that was Marshall Holman in the late 80's. He really chewed out a little kid. (7-9 yrs old)who was asking for a autograph between blocks. If I could have reached him with my fist I would have delightfully spent the night in jail for breaking up his face. I did heckle him because his actions were beyond distasteful. Most pro's are very social and are very forthcoming with information. For most people who have negative comments "dont judge a book by the cover".
Two guys who are opp ends of the spectrum but have always been great to me. Tommy DeLutz is a total professional. He is super nice, offers to help if you ask for anything and is very down to earth.
Brian "Chief" Himmler reminds me of just one of the guys. He is a ball buster who is fun to hang around and is super nice to everyone. He is a bit on the quiet side to the public. I believe its his blue-collar attitude that sticks out and is all aces in my book. Rock, he is fun to sit down with over a couple of beers and watch sportcenter. In Canadagiua him a bunch of the guys went to MaGregors, where I was consoling a bad day and they were all a ball of fun.

Edited on 11/18/2004 3:22 PM


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Re: ryan shafer
« Reply #19 on: November 18, 2004, 02:36:01 PM »
Agree, DeLutz is a class act in every sense of the words. Have also had pr-am experiences with the now defunct PWBA and the ladies all have a professional attitude. They were classy and every bit a asset to their organization. CDB, Michelle Feldman, LeAnne Barrette, CDL, Kendra Gaines all were very friendly and endearing. To bad that had to end.


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Re: ryan shafer
« Reply #20 on: November 19, 2004, 11:11:16 AM »
I've met a few of the Pro's and just about all of them have been great.  My only regret is meeting Barnes, what an @$$.  Parker Bohn is a great guy, really cool on and off the lanes.  Just like everyone else said, WRW is a good guy but doesn't seem to like to be out in the limelight.  Angelo and Duke are also great guys.  I've had the opportunity to hang out with Tommy DeLutz and he's fantastic, a real character.  Just wait till Mike Fagan starts shredding the racks week in and week out.  Everyone will get to see how much of a great guy he is.  Ask about his Eddie Vetter and Mike Myers impersonations!
I thought all you had to do was stand left and throw it right??

I suffer from a serious case of HeadStuckInMyAss-itis