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Author Topic: S75 vs. Rogue Cell - Layout Suggestions  (Read 573 times)


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S75 vs. Rogue Cell - Layout Suggestions
« on: October 31, 2009, 05:48:32 AM »
I had a Rogue Cell, but sold it because I''d decided to stick with 14lbs instead of going up to 15. The Rogue was great for me on the longer/slicker patterns I usually play on (PBAX, Kegel Sport/Challenge). The layout was about 4x4 w/ the pin about 1/2 o''clock from my ring finger and the MB more or less directly below. If they''re close to the same, I''m thinking of putting a similar layout on the S75. Maybe have the pin left (over my bridge, about 5" from PAP) to weaken it just a little? I don''t know, that''s why I''m consulting you guys first. Please tell me if that''s a good idea of if I should consider something different.

The ball specs/pic are:

14lbs. 3oz.
2-2.5" pin and 3.25oz. top

As you can see, the CG is a little right of being in line. And, if it''ll help, I put it next to an all ready drilled ball so that my span is shown.

Thanks for any help, guys

Edited on 10/31/2009 4:29 PM