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Author Topic: Sad day  (Read 1814 times)


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Sad day
« on: March 16, 2004, 09:12:18 AM »
I found out that one of my teammates was diagnosed with prostate cancer.  He is only 42 years old.  We've had differences in the past, I can't help but feel shocked and saddened by this.  He is a good guy and I wish him the best.

"Act like you've been there before"



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Re: Sad day
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2004, 12:22:44 AM »
Three of my team mates have had surgery for prostate cancer and all have recovered.

All I ever wanted to do was throw the ball,
& get to the line on time!
All I ever wanted to do get to the line on time & throw the ball well!

da Shiv

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Re: Sad day
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2004, 11:36:44 AM »
This is a very strange time for me to see this post.  One of my teammates was also just diagnosed with prostate cancer at the age of 48.  He is not just my teammate, but my best friend.  He and I started our bowling team back in 1979 and plan to have a 25th anniversary celebration this summer--but first he has to get through this.  He found out by way of having a high PSA show up in a blood test.  A subsequent biopsy showed cancer in 3 out of 10 samples taken, and the decision was made to have surgery and remove the prostate.  It appears to be very early stage, but he is still quite concerned.  I told him that I'd be there at the hospital with him if he wants, and he said that he would; so I'll be off work on March 29.

The prognosis is very good, but it's still very reassuring to see all the positive comments in this post.

Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top
Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top


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Re: Sad day
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2004, 12:01:07 PM »
My Dad had prostate cancer surgery about 15 years ago. Last spring he found out that it came back, and it's in his bones and through his whole body. He takes chemotherapy every Monday, but it is just prolonging his life a few years or so, but that's better than none. The doctors said he outlived his surgery, that a man will die of other things before the cancer comes back. What bothers him the most is he's unable to play golf anymore, since he just recoverd from a broken hip right before he was diagnosed with the return of the cancer. So he's been down for quite awhile, but he trys to keep his spirits up, and that keeps him going. My prayers are with anyone with cancer, and anyone who has friends and family fighting it as well.
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Re: Sad day
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2004, 09:35:40 PM »
Agroves and Da Shiv -

My husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer 8 years ago at the age of 50.
He had the operation which was a complete success and has been cancer free ever since.  His current PSA is less than 0.

Since I have already gone through this with my husband, I would like to offer the following advice:

1)  Choose a surgeon carefully through personal recommendations or ask some of the nurses.

2)  When you meet with the doctor write down all the questions you want to ask.

3)  Ask him or her how many times they've performed the operation and what
their success rate is.  The more confidence you have in the doctor, the better you'll feel about the operation.

4)  Read as much as you can on the subject.  

We found the more informed we were, the easier it was to deal with.

I wish both of your friends well.

Fatboy8 -

I'm truly sorry to hear about your father.  It must be a very difficult time for your family.  Our prayers are with you.
LadyW....(aka Wannabe)


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Re: Sad day
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2004, 09:37:13 PM »
my wife just found out tonight that her cousin has a tumor on his stomach, esophogus, and liver. the doctor gives him 8 months. He's 33


"I only have 3 boards to work with, and they all have arrows on them!!"

Edited on 3/17/2004 10:31 PM

navy beans

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Re: Sad day
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2004, 12:01:58 AM »
Cancer is a crazy crazy disease....I wish everybody in here that can relate to this disease the best of luck! I lost my dad at 48 to cancer on Dec 23 '00, and my 43 yr old uncle on Jan 16 '01....Since then two of my dad's other brothers have beaten cancer for the moment and my sister is doing well with cancer at this point. You never know what is going to happen so try to make the best of the situation and look forward to better times

If any body needs any help with anything at all give me a shout!!


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