General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Triple X on December 02, 2004, 12:00:28 AM
This guy on my Wednesday Miller Lite league shot his first ever 300 perfect game about a month ago. He didn't even get a chance to see/wear his ring 'coz he passed away last sunday of Brain Aneurysm.
May his soul rest in peace...
Triple X

Edited on 12/2/2004 9:00 AM
Condolences to his family for the loss... That is kind of a tragic he will never get the ring, yet at least he was able to attain perfection before his time came. Hey, who says God isn't a bowler eh?
On a light note, I guess some people cannot handle the excitement of getting their first 300
Bad joke, I know.
D <~~~~ Used to be terrible wiffing 10 pins. Now through much practice, can wiff any single pin spare at any time. 
Darrell Guzman
guzmand19 - Yahoo IM and MSN screen names
Sorry to hear about your loss.
On the lighter side, at least he went out with a bang. Most of us hope to shoot a 300 before we die; we just pray there's a longer stretch between the 300 and the end.
If the ring doesn't come in before the funeral, see what you can do about having it imbedded in his headstone under a clear acryllic filler. A fitting memorial for a job well done.
Proud owner of a 1046/4 series courtesy of Columbia 300.
None are more hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free....
I can only hope that the association has some sort of presentation ceremony that included the family...
The 300 rings are taken for granted in the bowling community, but I am sure he was thrilled to have finally thrown a perfect game. His family deserves to have a positive parting memory from an activity that he obviously liked doing.
Edited on 12/2/2004 10:08 AM
May his soul rest in peace! My heart goes out to his family and loved ones.
Hit them light and watch them fight
J O E - F A L C O
At least he attained perfection before, along with after.
Some words the pastor said at my mother's funeral have stuck with me ever since.
When you hear the thunder, you know they're bowling, and throwing strikes!
Bowlers are like puppies. The only difference is that someday the puppy will quit whining.
-- Found at Sam's Town Pro Shop
Thank You all for your concerns.
You were right about it of him unaware of the aneurysm. From what his teammate told me, when he got up from his bed, his fiancee saw him made a weird face & just fell in the floor. Right on the spot, he died. I don't know him personally well, but I'll speak to his teammate to relay to his family about your suggestions, ie. imbedding of the ring on the headstone,presentation ceremony.
Triple X

That is really sad.
I hate to hear about people dying, its just not fair. I agree with the headstone idea though. I think he would be honored looking down, and seeing that.
"How small is too small?"
"Well, if you can masturbate with a Barbie hand, your in trouble."