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Author Topic: Safe way to engrave name on ball by self?  (Read 25917 times)


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Safe way to engrave name on ball by self?
« on: June 02, 2009, 05:29:33 PM »
Is there a way to safely carve one's name or initials into the ball?

Purchased a new ball 2 months ago and the pro shop says their "engraving machine" is broken and they may or may not replace it. I like the pro shop and they have done good work for me, but when I spend hundreds of dollars for a ball, I expect to be able to brand it in some way to identify it as MINE. Especially in this case when it's a popular ball, and it could easily get mixed up with someone else's... accidentally or otherwise.

I'm hesitant to go to another pro-shop in the area that I ALSO patronize, as I haven't bought a new ball there in awhile, and do not want to walk in there with this relatively new ball that was obviously purchased elsewhere, and ask them to put my name on it.  I am considering going to a pro shop that is a relatively far away drive, so at least it's not a direct competitor, but would prefer to either go to a regular sports retailer, or do it myself. (I tried Sports Authority, and they said they dont even engrave the balls that they sell themselves.)

Any feedback appreciated.


Edited on 6/3/2009 1:31 AM



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Re: Safe way to engrave name on ball by self?
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2009, 06:52:10 AM »
I'm hesitant to go to another pro-shop in the area that I ALSO patronize, as I haven't bought a new ball there in awhile, and do not want to walk in there with this relatively new ball that was obviously purchased elsewhere, and ask them to put my name on it.

Why?  Do you feel guilty for not buying the ball/s from them?  

Or not willing to pay a fair price for the engraving?  

What's worse, taking an internet ball in to be drilled or in to be engraved?  

Or just taking the ball in to be engraved and not drilled?  

Some of the "deal" you get when buying balls off the internet include having to bring them some place else for other work to be done on them.  That's part of the burden for the deal.  But I'll let you off the hook.  For future sale and/or trade having your name on the ball might be a deficit.  Because it costs more to have it taken out of the ball then it does to have it put on.  And we have removed the name from a lot of them.  When people buy a used ball, they don't want "rolling stud", "The Rock" or "Darth Vader" above the finger holes anymore then then want "Bob", "Mabel" or "Darlene" on it.  

We were kind of in the same position as your first shop.  Our engraver worked but we were missing one of the lock down tiles.  The tile itself was not expensive but getting the right one wasn't easy.  All this for something people believe they should get for free when they buy a ball.  And we do give it for free up to 8 letters.  But its kind of a pain in the behind, the engraver.  For those outside balls, like yours, we charge $1 a letter.  



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Re: Safe way to engrave name on ball by self?
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2009, 08:47:22 AM »
First of all, I did not buy the ball on the internet. I patronize both Pro Shops...regular brick and mortar physical locations with real people working there.

Second... I DO hear you about the name on the ball being a hindrance to resale (in fact...I was ALMOST considering selling it, but have decided not to, hence the timing of my post), but I generally don't sell my balls. May occasionally give one away, and in that case, if someone gets a ball with my name on it....toughies.

And I'm not concerned about the cost....unless it's outrageous. $1 a letter?  Fine.

My name is not Osama Bin Laden, so a few dollars for my first name or even just my first and last initials would be ok.  Even $10 would be reasonable to me... considering it's not the shop where I bought the ball.

Lastly... I wasn't told before buying the ball that they were incapable of adding my name or initials to it. In fact---- I HAVE noticed a growing trend where on the last couple of balls purchased, I have not been ASKED if I want my name or initials added.  Admittedly, it's been an afterthought for me as well, and I then end up going back to the shop, where they DO put the name on with no charge and no fuss. ---Except, I had to make a special trip and wait behind other customers having extensive (that's ExTENSIVE, not ExPensive) work done.

I have had lots of redrills done at this shop and I liked the new fit they gave me, so when it came time for a new ball, I chose them. I can tell you now that no matter how nice they are and no matter how much I like their drillings, I will never buy another new ball from them if I can't label it as MINE.

Edited on 6/3/2009 8:49 AM


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Re: Safe way to engrave name on ball by self?
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2009, 08:59:26 AM »
With the exception of women, kids and some seniors, I have not put a name on a ball in many years.  Main reason, as already stated, is that its easier to sell the ball without a name.  Most of the guys "brand" their ball with different color inserts and slugs.  Some put in a different color in each hole, and its the same colors for every ball they own.

Lets see, you like the new grip and they do a good and consistant job on every ball you have brought to them, BUT you will no longer go there because they can not engrave your name on the ball. I did not know that having your name on the ball adds pins to your average.

Go somewhere else and maybe you will develop hand problems and your average will go down but at least you will know its your ball because your name will be on it. This must make sense to someone.

Edited on 6/3/2009 9:11 AM


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Re: Safe way to engrave name on ball by self?
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2009, 09:13:57 AM »
I can tell you now that no matter how nice they are and no matter how much I like their drillings, I will never buy another new ball from them if I can't label it as MINE.

Edited on 6/3/2009 8:49 AM

This is really foolish. If you love their work that much, please don't go to a subpar driller over engraving. Is it really ok to have the ball not fit as well and not roll as well as long as your name is on it?


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Re: Safe way to engrave name on ball by self?
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2009, 09:28:09 AM »
If you have,or have access to, a Dremel or similar rotary tool you can do it your self. The tool has an engraving bit. You can etch your name/initials free- hand or go to your local craft or office supply store and pick up a stencil and follow that.
The finished product is easy to remove with a rasp, sand paper, and a little elbow grease if you do wish to sell it.
You can also use it to mark your bag or anything else that can be scratched to identify it as yours.

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Re: Safe way to engrave name on ball by self?
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2009, 09:36:23 AM »
I don't use grips, and I didn't say I wouldn't patronize them for drillings.

Just that I would not buy a new ball from them.

UNLESS----- there is an alternative way to mark the ball as my own.

It doesn't even have to be an engraving of letters necessarily. But SOME kind of identifying mark. Sure... partly it's cause I'm used to it and all 22 other balls in my arsenal DO have my name or initials on them.  But it is also to prevent theft or just accidental movement of the ball by persons other than myself.

Even if it's just a case of putting some kind of mark on it that no one else will notice, but that I will know is there, and always be able to point to in case any situation comes up.  I just dont want to inadvertantly damage the coverstock in doing so.

Which is why the totle of this thread asked if there was a way i could do it myself. If there is, then my minor annoyance at the Pro Shop not being able to do this would disappear, cause I wouldnt need them FOR THAT. And I could buy future balls from them and add whatever marking I wanted in my own.

I dont use grips, so that's not going to work, but when I did use them, I removed and replaced them myself. I didn't need the pro shop for it. I'm looking to achieve that same kind of independence from them again with the engraving.

Alternately...Are there certain kinds of shops that do engraving for other items (like jewelry) that would be able to ... and willing to... do the same thing on a bowling ball? And could do it without causing any damage in the process?


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Re: Safe way to engrave name on ball by self?
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2009, 09:49:45 AM »
Thank you, "Rackattack".

I was composing my last reply when you posted yours, so just seeing it now.

That sounds like it might be a solution. Is it safe for the ball?

Maybe I can get a Dremel or similar tool at a local hardware store? (I haven't shopped for power tools much, living in a Condo).

I don't need the letters that deep, but don't want just chicken scratches either.

Maybe I can even ask the [guilty] pro shop for it's recommendations, if they can't do it themselves?  I DO want to continue with them, but to me, it's like someone selling me a brand new car, and being unable to register it in my name, or put my own license plate on it (yeah.... a vanity plate !) ---- or something like that.


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Re: Safe way to engrave name on ball by self?
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2009, 11:19:52 PM »
I'm sure you could find a way to mark the ball without having to engrave into it.  You say you don't use grips, why not throw a small piece of bowling tape into the very bottom of the thumbhole (assuming your thumb doesn't contact the bottom, you don't want to change the way you throw the ball).  Just an idea.  Another idea would be quite simple, and wouldn't require any marks at all, just a few seconds of your time.  Put a piece of paper, or a index card in your bowling bag.  On this card you can place the name of each ball in your bag, and the serial # of each ball.  I did this for nationals as a youth, with hundreds of bowlers pouring in and out, I wanted to make sure I kept track of my stuff.  Hope this helps.
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Re: Safe way to engrave name on ball by self?
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2009, 12:00:11 AM »
I'm going to check out the cordless dremel tool at Wal Mart. Still considering the other suggestions, but being able to do it myself would solve the problem for the long haul...not just with this ball.

Actually would give me more freedom, knowing that I could add some identification to the ball anytime I wanted too. Might then be more willing to wait until am sure the ball is a keeper [before engraving] and if it didnt overwhelm me, could sell it more easily too.  ---used to always run to the pro-shop asap to add the ID.  This tiem I waited 2 months, and now am tired of waiting. But with my own tool accessible, I would be more patient.

Thank you.


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Re: Safe way to engrave name on ball by self?
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2009, 08:06:15 AM »
I personally use the serial number to identify my bowling equipment. I keep a list of serial numbers of all my balls in my bag and at home.
Jason Smith

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Re: Safe way to engrave name on ball by self?
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2009, 08:29:27 AM »
Doing it by hand with a Dremel is going to be very difficult. Remember that it's not a flat surface you're working on, but maybe with some practice you could make it look decent... Get an old ball and practice steadying your hand  there first.

What about some letter stamps that you could lightly tap with a mallet? I'll bet you could buy a few letters (your initials) for not much money, and you may even find something like that at a craft store.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Pro Shop Staff

The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.

Edited on 6/4/2009 8:30 AM


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Re: Safe way to engrave name on ball by self?
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2009, 08:51:32 AM »
What about a small "dot" with the tip of a drill bit over the finger holes?
I do that for a customer that is blind with a 3 dot triangle pattern over the grips.
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Re: Safe way to engrave name on ball by self?
« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2009, 12:53:10 PM »
Wow, engraving your name on a ball? That is something that I had all but forgotten about.

 The shop here used to have an engraver. With the advent of the "buy a new ball every season" mentality, I haven't seen that thing in years.

 People used to buy a ball and keep it for years. Balls were like houses, designed to last for years and years of use and something to mark as your own. Now people consider balls like any other "disposable" item. Use it, abuse it, throw it away.

 Good luck. I don't know of a shop within 100 miles of here that even possibly has the ability to engrave names on balls anymore.

 On a second thought. A friend of mine had a small plastic token ( about the size of a quarter ) with his business' name on it. He had the proshop drill a hole big enough to lay it in and plug over it with clear plug (being careful not to leave a void), then polish the spot for clarity. Made it look like the ball was custom made for him.

 Here is a cut&paste from Check out section c, item4 :

c.   Plugs and Designs

1.   Must be of material similar to, although not exactly the same as, the original material out of which the ball was made and shall otherwise comply with all bowling ball specifications.

2.   Plugs may be inserted for the purpose of redrilling a ball.

3.   Plugs and grips may not exceed beyond the surface of the ball.

4.   Designs may be embedded in a ball as guides, or observation or identification purposes, provided the designs are flush with the outer surface of the ball.

In all cases there shall be no interior voids

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Re: Safe way to engrave name on ball by self?
« Reply #14 on: June 04, 2009, 01:08:02 PM »
We have an Epilog Helix laser cutter we use at SLSM Designs / Bowlers Slide Sock.  We use it to cut fabric.  The other more common use is for engraving trophies.  Many engravers have these units and they can engrave bowling balls.  We engrave names around thumb holes in just about any font you can think of.


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