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Author Topic: same ball different layout  (Read 5315 times)

six pack

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same ball different layout
« on: August 28, 2008, 10:31:38 PM »
I've been thinking of the idea of going with two of the same balls but with different layouts as opposed to switching to a different ball.the idea of course is to keep the same reaction and line as the shot breaks down.
dose anyone have a two ball arsenal with this idea in mind?do you feel you have had better results?
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Re: same ball different layout
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2008, 07:27:25 AM »
I've got 2 Angers. One drilled 3 3/8" stacked leverage @ 500 grit, the other drilled semi-Rico, highly polished.

I've also done this with two BW Bites. One could start the night dulled up, the other slightly polished to follow after.

IMO, there can be alot of benefit from this.
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Re: same ball different layout
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2008, 07:47:41 AM »
is their a certain brand u like?


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Re: same ball different layout
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2008, 08:34:08 AM »
I take it to the extreme. I have 3 SD-73's set up with different drills. One is leveraged with pin at 2:00 cg stacked below 3 3/8x3 3/8, one drilled Rico and one drilled 6 in pin above middle finger cg kicked out at 30 degrees.
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Re: same ball different layout
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2008, 08:44:37 AM »
sd 73 isn't a bad choice


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Re: same ball different layout
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2008, 01:52:45 PM »
In have 3 Gravity's and 2 Codes all box surface but with different drillings. Gravity's #1 and 2 are set up to compliment one another with Gravity #2 going a couple of feet farther down the lane with the same breakpoint shape as number 1. #3 Gravity is flip leverage. Codes are drilled with one 4 1/2 x 4 pin under and the other is 5 x 3 1/2 pin up
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Re: same ball different layout
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2008, 02:03:00 PM »
Even same ball, same layout but different surface can be good too. I've used that on a couple of balls before and had great luck with it.
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Re: same ball different layout
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2008, 02:09:54 PM »
I have two old Ebonite Crossfires, one pin in and one pin out. The pin in ball is drilled with the pin to the right and down from my ring finger, the pin out ball is drilled with the pin to the right but about 4" up from my ring finger. CG slightly to the right on both (in case CGMADUR).

The pin in ball goes a little bit longer but stronger off the break point, just enough to see the difference. I can tell but lots of folks cannot.

I mostly keep the pin in ball as a backup in case the other one breaks, cracks or wears out. They work great on THS with flying back ends.
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six pack

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Re: same ball different layout
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2008, 06:03:01 PM »
I picked up a used copperhead,pin down bout 5" from pap,cg @45 with a wt.hole down low.close to the mid lane hook and backend layout on the Brunswick sheet.
on a fresh flat med-heavy shot the ball played very impressive up the track but not much swing the track burned in and offered some area the ball started burning up and carry suffered as to be expected,not until the third game.I'm so impressed with this ball I'd like to pick another with a pin high layout.not for more backend but just to keep it on line where the pin down ball left off.second game ever with this ball resulted in a 298.I like this one better then my old wiz.
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Re: same ball different layout
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2008, 07:06:31 AM »
well I re drilled a ball to Rico. I believe it use to have a pretty strong layout since it was a big hooking ball for me. Now with the rico drill it's pretty straight with a slight hook. If you're thinking about doing this, maybe dull the stronger ball and polish the weaker drilling.
Brunswick Scorchin' Inferno (retired)
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Re: same ball different layout
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2008, 07:27:45 AM »
My driller likes to do what he calls X drills. Do one ball pin in a leverage position with the cg kicked out maybe with an x hole. The second ball would be a 1:30 drill. Both same surface. I've done this with V2's and Phenom Unleashed with great results.


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Re: same ball different layout
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2008, 08:45:09 AM »
I've bought multiples of the same ball and had some great success.  

I've done this both ways.  I've drilled up two of the same ball and put different layouts on them for a nice 1-2 punch.

I've also drilled up two of the same ball and used the same exact layout but changed the cover grit with awesome success.  I prefer to use the same layout and just change the cover grit.  I prefer this approach because it gives you the same type of reaction shape and either more or less length.

I remember a league session when I had two Blue Vibes in my bag with the same exact layout but different cover grits.  One was 1000 grit and the other was box.  I was using the 1000 grit BV and moving left as the pattern was breaking down.  Everything was going great until I got to the 4th arrow with 10 at the breakpoint.  Once I got to the 4th arrow I started leaving 10 pins.  There were some other bowlers on my pair that started off playing deep and blew up the inside.  So I switched to my box covered Blue Vibe and moved back to the 3rd arrow out to 10 at the breakpoint and started carrying all 10 again.

I am a big believer in drilling multiples of the same ball.  For me buying bowling balls is a crap shoot.  Nothing worse than spending 200.00 only to find the ball doesn't match your game well.  If I find a ball that works well for me, I just buy multiples of that ball.  You can realistically build an arsenal out of multiples of the same ball and just change the cover and or drill layouts between them.

I've also found thru my experiments that even the so called light oil balls can be used on much heavier conditions with the correct surface grit.  I've knocked the polish off pearlized bowling balls only to find they handle a ton of oil and can be used on a lot of different conditions.  I've been doing this for years.

Six Pack: I would use the same exact layout and just change the cover grit.  If you use two of the same ball but change the layout you may end up with such a drastically different reaction between them that it's just like using a different ball.


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Re: same ball different layout
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2008, 09:33:53 PM »
Somebody on here once had, I think, 12 Track Gp's drilled up in different ways with different surfaces on them.
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Re: same ball different layout
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2008, 12:01:05 PM »
Somebody on here once had, I think, 12 Track Gp's drilled up in different ways with different surfaces on them.
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Clint Daley had them.

I totally like using multiple balls in an arsenal.  WRW, Norm Duke are famous for doing this.  WRW used the NSANE LEVRG for a good part of last season.  A couple years ago Norm Duke used the SPIT FIRE 90 percent of the time.  Of course they had multiples of those balls but the idea is the same.

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Re: same ball different layout
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2008, 12:18:10 PM »
I use to have 2 cells before I moved to 16lbs that had the same drills but different surfaces and they worked great. One was at box the other highly polished
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