I've got my impulse zone drilled with a long, high pin. I really like the reaction it gives me because the nature of the ball makes it pick up nicely in the midlane, smoothing out the overall reaction, whilst the high pin means it can get far enough down the lane and conserve enough energy for the pins.
I had my tropical storm drilled pin in palm and didn't get on with it at all, lots of over/under and lacking power at the headpin.
I'm trying to illustrate that it is possible to drill a ball against it's natural characteristics and have good results, but bad ones can occur also. I, generally, prefer the 5.5" pin above the fingers (have it on three balls) each one gives me a specific look based and they are different enough to give me substantively different reactions.
A lot of care has to go into the choice of ball and drilling considering what you want from the ball. I've been told by a coach of mine that in order to compete on tougher patterns at higher standard tournaments, a 6 ball arsenal is recommended. If you only have one release, then you would need another ball for specific scenarios, but if you can achieve the results physically, then that's less weight to carry around...
Reporting from England