Brenton, your example of the Inferno and the Sonic X make sense, however, those 2 balls although both pearls, are in a TOTALLY different class. That being said, I think DD (using common sense) could pick 3 balls for different conditions and use the same drill as he below.....
There are quite a few people who do actually makes sense when you think about it.......let's use a drill and some balls for example.......
let's use your drill 4 1/4 x 5 ( label ) now let's use your example and pick some balls.......
pearl resin - Buzzsaw XL
polished resin-Inferno
light load particle-Eliminator ( I would have used your arsenal, but the SCB is a high load particle)
So to answer your question....sure it would work.
Find a drill that you love, then get a ball (cover/core) to match up against the conditions you're bowling on ........why not ?!?
JEFFJeff -what I am: Revs -what I want!Edited on 6/17/2003 9:42 AM