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Author Topic: Sand Bagging - unreal  (Read 1929 times)


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Sand Bagging - unreal
« on: June 04, 2003, 02:44:04 AM »
Last night 3rd game on the 10th frame. My team was winning by a decent amount. I was 2nd bowler. I bowled a spare followed by a 9. The last 2 bowlers for the other team who carried a 180 and 190 avg, said as I was walking back "Games over now, time to work on next week". They both go up, threw a gutter ball and then a shot at the 10 pin.
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Re: Sand Bagging - unreal
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2003, 05:49:41 PM »
Guys like that give even sandbaggers a bad name.  I thought sandbaggers at least had the decency to change their line a little to leave a split or chop a spare.  If they're going to be that obvious about it, they will soon be turned in and not allowed to compete in sanctioned play.  I'd stay far away from these guys as soon as your summer league is over.
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Re: Sand Bagging - unreal
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2003, 06:13:57 PM »
I toyed with this several years ago the first night of Summer league.  I was bowling way too well and I admit I decided to move a few boards and invite a washout or two.  

The result?  Three pocket strikes in a row.  In the 10th frame I decided enough is enough and I went for the final strike.  The result?  5 pin washout.  Oh well.  Since then I have grown up and it has been go for strike every roll of every game.


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Re: Sand Bagging - unreal
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2003, 10:47:43 PM »
If sandbagging is a problem there is a cure.

One of the easiest ways to solve this problem is to make the league play a ten point system.  Give two for each game and four for total.  It's pretty hard to throw away four points for a pin or two in handicap.  Makes everyone think a little before they start ditching the ball!

What are your thoughts?

Edited on 6/4/2003 10:52 PM


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Re: Sand Bagging - unreal
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2003, 12:26:23 AM »
Boy does this sound familiar. This spring myself and two friends decided to bowl in a small trio league just for fun. There were a mix of all mens and mixed teams and new and older bowlers. The fun went away real quick when, as secretary, I started recieving complaints about one of the newer teams. The bowlers on this team thought it part of the game to wait until the bowler across from them completed the 10th frame, add up the scores and if they could not win, throw double gutter balls or a gutter and small count. At first I could not believe this would go on and especially not in a small league that has virtually no money paid out at the end. Well, a few weeks in we bowled these guys and at the end of the first game, yep you got it, they would not bowl until we were finished, threw 5 gutter balls and I think a 5 count or something. Next game was close, so no gutters, last game the lanes had gone away and they easily had the lead and bang straight in the gutter they went again. Next time we bowled same thing and that time I instructed them to bowl when there name came up or I would charge them with sandbagging if they tossed anymore 10th frame gutter balls. As far as I know they probably still do it, I don't and won't bowl in a league with these guys and they sure are not welcome in our money league. Can you imagine what they would do for a couple grand in championship money.

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Re: Sand Bagging - unreal
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2003, 12:44:13 AM »
Sandbagging is bad enough, add in poor sportsmanship and it is even worse.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: Sand Bagging - unreal
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2003, 02:21:42 AM »
We have something like that in one of our leagues, Pye.  Plus, we figured up that each point is worth about $2.50.  You win all your points every night, and it pays for your bowling, and then some.  Course, these are more competitive scratch bowlers, but I can't imagine anyone passing up the money.
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Re: Sand Bagging - unreal
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2003, 06:09:47 AM »
ABC/WIBC Playing Rules Book, page 13.  "Unfair Tactics"

"Rule 17a.  An individual can be charged with attempting to gain an unfair advantage in league or tournament play for the following reasons:
 1).  Directly or indirectly tampering with the lanes, pins or bowling balls so they no longer meet WIBC/ABC specifications.
 2).  Misrepresenting an average to gain a greater handicap, or qualify for a lower classification in an event.
 3).  Establishing an average below the player's ability to gain an unfair advantage in handicap or classified competition.
Penalty:  Loss of games, prize winnings and subject to suspension from or denial of WIBC/ABC membership."

I think that the above pretty much covers the flagrant sandbagging situations.  All you have to do is to start the ball rolling by advising the league officials that such conduct is taking place and you feel that the offenders are trying to gain handicap advantage.  The league officials should take matters from there.