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Author Topic: Sandbagging  (Read 13372 times)


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« on: January 03, 2017, 12:03:13 AM »
I have a guy in my league who clearly sandbags.  I am high average in the league and we pick teams.  I get stuck with him every year cause I get last pick.  No one wants him.  Been on my team 2 years now.   Its not a big money league but that's beside the point.  Sick of his crap.  I talked to the league President he said nothing he can do.  Wanted him thrown out of the league.  He said we can't until he does something wrong.  Well sandbagging is wrong.  Anything else I can do to get rid of him?  It is a sanctioned league.



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Re: Sandbagging
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2017, 05:47:57 AM »
Problem is that you essentially have to be able to prove intent. Has he said something to you that you can provide as evidence? Is there a pattern of his scores that you can provide in the absence of a conversation?

Without evidence, I see the President's point. In this day and age, as bad as this sounds, I could see the bowler suing (rediculous, I know).


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Re: Sandbagging
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2017, 07:55:07 AM »
Sandbaggers suck, but they've been around since bowling began, and nobody has figured out yet how to stop it.

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Re: Sandbagging
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2017, 09:26:39 AM »
You can't stop sandbaggers. Like me I am a new bowler with a 130 average, and people think I am a sandbagger cause I posted 2- 200 games in practice and a 180 in my league once. I am not a sandbagger I am just new to the game of bowling. Its like sharks in pool and refs in pro sports throwing games.
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Re: Sandbagging
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2017, 10:33:53 AM »
What is his angle? Why does he do it?
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Re: Sandbagging
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2017, 11:16:55 AM »
Exactly how does this league work with forming teams? That you get last choice of players.

Whats the format? Low average team captian gets first pick of available playes, high ave capt get last pick?
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Re: Sandbagging
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2017, 01:04:46 PM »
Yes too 16 averages.  Low picks first and so on.  Like fantasy football.  First round bottom guy gets two picks a so on.  4 on a team.  Only way for me not to end up with him is for me to bag.  I have known this guy for 30 years.  Been doing it forever.  Never bowled on a team with him before.  Best part is he is like 65.  We go to states last year and he sucked so all that bagging did no good.  Had him on a Monday night team 2 years ago (should have known better) we were winning and he goes to my girlfriend who is kind a a new bowler averages 165 and tells her "slow down you don't want your score to high".  Really she's trying her butt off to do well and you say that.  We pick out own teams that night so the end of the year I told him get lost.  He got thrown off another team on Friday cause he was bagging.  They threw him off in 3 weeks.  It was that obvious


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Re: Sandbagging
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2017, 05:09:56 PM »
When you put your lineup in just type Bagger in for his name. Tell him the name will change when the attitude changes. It could be the guy just lost it and would rather be thought of as bagger than a poor bowler.


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Re: Sandbagging
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2017, 08:00:42 PM »
In my previous life when bowling I was accused of being a sandbagger and I understand why. There were 4 centers in our town one which was close to my house, it was also the most difficult to score in. Bowled league twice a week and practice on the weekends. Fall average was always 180-185. Would go to other houses and shoot 630-650. I was just trying to get better by bowling on a hard condition.


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Re: Sandbagging
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2017, 08:44:06 PM »
We have a bowling center in our area that is very run down, and poor lane conditions a lot of the guys who bowl there carry averages of around 20-30 pins lower than if they bowled somewhere else.and they bowl there for that exact reason. they always cash in the local handicap events. would you consider that sandbagging or not??


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Re: Sandbagging
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2017, 10:03:20 PM »
We have a bowling center in our area that is very run down, and poor lane conditions a lot of the guys who bowl there carry averages of around 20-30 pins lower than if they bowled somewhere else.and they bowl there for that exact reason. they always cash in the local handicap events. would you consider that sandbagging or not??

that's a tough one.  to me, it is pretty much the same as sandbagging, but also not.

This is similar to the guys that only bowl in a sport league, but this year with no sport certifications from USBC and I assume no rerating of averages (haven't bowled handicap tournaments this season so don't know) that would be essentially legalized sandbagging.


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Re: Sandbagging
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2017, 06:53:23 PM »
If all games bowled were recorded sandbagging could be kept under control. Bowling alley should be rated just like golf courses. Scores should be entered into a database after every league and or tournament. My feeling is USBC doesn't want to do anything about this issue because it would cost money they don't want to give up.


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Re: Sandbagging
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2017, 08:13:11 AM »
If all games bowled were recorded sandbagging could be kept under control. Bowling alley should be rated just like golf courses. Scores should be entered into a database after every league and or tournament. My feeling is USBC doesn't want to do anything about this issue because it would cost money they don't want to give up.
Difference is a golf course has little it can do to change the slope rating.  Sure, cut the grass different, placement of holes/tees, but the course is the course.

At a bowling center, the shot can be easy or hard day in day out.  I like the concept, but not sure it will be easy to implement.

If people bowl at dungeons for the sole purpose of having a low book average, then that is suspect.  I have even seen people bowl lower than possible in the dungeon and justify their scores because it is a dungeon making the situation worse.

I used to get bent out of shape with sandbagging.  I have since refrained and no longer participate in handicap events.

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Re: Sandbagging
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2017, 08:28:06 AM »
This is similar to the guys that only bowl in a sport league, but this year with no sport certifications from USBC and I assume no rerating of averages (haven't bowled handicap tournaments this season so don't know) that would be essentially legalized sandbagging.

Although sport leagues no longer have to submit lane tapes, leagues using sport or challenge patterns are supposed to register as a sport league.  Averages from those leagues are subject to average adjustment.

Of course there are those who may attempt to take advantage of the situation and not properly register the league.


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Re: Sandbagging
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2017, 10:05:13 AM »
Sandbagging is done by desperate people looking for an advantage because their bowling cannot stand on it's own merits.  Plain and simple...

I'd suggest getting people to start asking him why he's so desperate.  When people start calling him out and making an example of him the behavior might change.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2017, 10:07:50 AM by notclay »