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Author Topic: Sandbagging  (Read 3185 times)


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« on: September 28, 2009, 07:35:36 AM »
In my last league we have had someone "accused" of sandbagging.  The bowler started the league with a 123 avg and is currently at 135.  The reason that was given to us is that the bowlers form has changed and average the over the last 6 weeks has been dropping (greater than 7 pins). My question is can someone who averages 135 really be sandbagging by form ??  Has anyone dealt with a similar situation ??  Any help here would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: Sandbagging
« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2009, 07:12:09 PM »
Thanks rexb300.  That was the opinion of most of us.
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Re: Sandbagging
« Reply #17 on: October 03, 2009, 07:53:06 PM »
While we're on the subject allow me to hijack this thread.

On my MIXED LEAGUE, the bowler with the highest average in the house shows up the first week and gets his high averae patch from the secretary.  The lanes are toast and he can't adjust to save his life.  He goes 140 120 his first two games and is pi$$ed.  He starts letting the expletives fly because he is bowling like crap.  I do not feel that this is sandbagging, but after sittin at 61 in the fifth frame of the third he decide to throw the last 10 balls in the gutter.

He shoots a 320 somthing and will enter week two with that average which is more than 100 pins below his average from last year.  I told the president that I didn't think that this was right and he told me you can't prove sandbagging and its only a mixed league.



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Re: Sandbagging
« Reply #18 on: October 03, 2009, 08:17:28 PM »
....he decide to throw the last 10 balls in the gutter.

The president of your league should grow a spine.

Edited on 10/3/2009 8:17 PM


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Re: Sandbagging
« Reply #19 on: October 04, 2009, 11:39:47 AM »
If he walks in on position round, sweeper night or your local tournament and averages 200. Then he is a sandbagger. Until that happens or he is seen throwing off in the 10th when the game is won and it is really obvious (gutters both balls). Then they should leave the guy alone. I hate sandbaggers and occasionally get caught by one in my tournaments, especially that new bowler that only has his first year book average and has been getting better. If that happens I check his averages closely the next year and if appropriate I will rerate the bowler. Most of the time the average catches up with them.