I don't really care who does it, but since secretaries are typically paid positions and most leagues that I belong to have software to record data, the secretary should probably be the one to do it.
The higher your average, the more diminishing returns you get as far as luck is concerned. No matter how good I get, I won't be able to shoot 6 or 7 300 games on a house pattern in one weekend. So yeah, the average matters to me. People with a 99 average might be able to do better than that while blindfolded, whereas a scratch bowler doesn't have the luxury of carrying 3 brooklyn's in a game to exceed their average.
I don't agree with the 100% pins for handicap. It promotes the environment of cheating. It doesn't encourage people to get better, it encourages financial gain by doing less then you are capable of doing.
I was told that the USBC will not have scratch only tournaments, so that will never be an option.
We have sport shot tournaments in our area, you get maybe 30-50 guys on a good day. Not the 1000's of bowlers you get for the state tournament. I bowl in sport leagues every summer. I know the grind, and I see how much your THB bowlers struggle. Some of them quit because their egos get hurt. So yeah, I would love to see the state go to a difficult shot, but I also know it would cut attendance for the following years into fractions of what it was.