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Author Topic: Sandbagging and it is legal  (Read 5885 times)


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Sandbagging and it is legal
« on: May 16, 2016, 01:49:52 PM »
I bowled in the Virginia state bowling tournament this weekend.  There were two men there with averages of 99 and 152.  They were using summer averages from the 2014-2015 season.  The number of games bowled were 21 and 33 respectively.  If the story is true, this was the first season they bowled.  The went into the 2015-2016 season and bowled 3 leagues each.  They bought equipment, and tried to get better. 

The tournament uses a 100% handicap based on 230. (yes, I agree it is ridiculous, but the state is run by a bunch of 180 average bowlers) They shot 1741 in doubles.  One of them had a 935 in singles.  The tournament "apparently" does not use a 10 pin rule. 

Amazing how this is totally on the up and up, and legal.  Re-rating can only be done prior to the start of bowling as well.  So technically they cannot be re-rated.

This is a sad statement of the state of bowling if this holds up, in my opinion.   

I for one only bowl in this tournament because of the scratch side-pots, but I feel bad for the people in the tournament who had great showings ... or those who put money into handicap brackets.



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Re: Sandbagging and it is legal
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2016, 06:17:18 PM »
Two things.  First, no problem with 100% handicap, but it should be capped at some reasonable number, like 75 per game.  Second, total score with handicap should be capped at 300 in any game for bracket and tournament purposes. 


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Re: Sandbagging and it is legal
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2016, 06:25:52 PM »
UBA is 80% of 250 and they use your highest avg over the last 2 years with 18+ games. The system seems to be working as the UBA is 7 years strong and growing by the year.


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Re: Sandbagging and it is legal
« Reply #18 on: May 16, 2016, 06:29:58 PM »
Two things.  First, no problem with 100% handicap, but it should be capped at some reasonable number, like 75 per game.  Second, total score with handicap should be capped at 300 in any game for bracket and tournament purposes. 

I agree with capping the total score at 300. But the 75(or whatever number) cap just discourages new bowlers from entering tournaments. I saw this first hand this past weekend. I am seeing someone who started bowling last September, so her average is 120ish. But the tournament has a lower limit of 150, which automatically eliminates her from any chance. She will probably never bowl their tournament again.

Screwing the new adult bowlers isn't the best idea as us "old fogies" are the one with the time and money to bowl the most.
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Re: Sandbagging and it is legal
« Reply #19 on: May 16, 2016, 07:26:03 PM »
I agree with dr3ws assessment of what he experienced at state.but for my opinion for what its worth, bowling has gotten to be a gambling mecca.getting away from the true meaning of pitting your skills against other bowlers.of course I am old school on this subject.just saying.


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Re: Sandbagging and it is legal
« Reply #20 on: May 17, 2016, 06:13:03 AM »
I wouldn't call it sandbagging. I don't believe they intentionally set a low average.

They were simply given an advantage by the rules. Why a tournament would not have a 10 pin rule is beyond me.

As for capping a handicap score at 300. Our city tournament tried to implement that rule this year and was quickly told by the national organization that you cannot take away handicap pins because someone bowled too good. So they raised they average cap to 250 so that everyone in the tournament had a chance to shoot over 300.

So if it is a USBC sanctioned event you can't cap a one game score at 300 or a series at 900.