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Author Topic: Sandbagging Solution  (Read 2861 times)


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Sandbagging Solution
« on: August 27, 2004, 01:36:18 PM »
What do you do when you think someone is sandbagging.  Shrug it off or confront them about it?

It is impossible to get someone banned by the ABC for sandbagging, tried that and had a film to prove it.

Remember a few months ago about the young woman out east that got caught stealing gas?  The judge made her stand in front of the gas station wearing a sign.  Must have been pretty humiliating for her.  Bet she doesn’t do that again.

At this years league meeting I tried to get a new method of calculating averages (last 21 games).  The proposal got shot down but we did have a heated argument with one of the team of sandbaggers, even volunteered to help them clean out their lockers.

They had the first night of bowling this year.  Averages were pretty close to what they shot last year.  For the past 4 years their average had normally been about 100 pins lower starting out.

Since ABC can’t/won’t do anything about sandbagging, maybe us bowlers can ourselves.  As long as the bagger thinks he’s pulling a fast one there isn’t much reason for him not to.  The humiliation of being labeled a sandbagger might help.  Can’t hurt.  Thoughts/Ideas?

~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

Spending the kids inheritance as fast as I can.
Have Balls - Will Travel

RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones



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Re: Sandbagging Solution
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2004, 10:05:59 PM »

I'm not saying go thru the ABC/WIBC, simply confront them and let them know you are aware of it, the more people in hearing distance, the better.  Time will tell if our baggers revert to form but if they do the whole league is going to be in their face.

If we let them bag as say nothing, seems to me we are part of the problem.  I've never been one to rely on someone else solving a problem.  Peer pressure is about the only weapon we have.

~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

Spending the kids inheritance as fast as I can.
Have Balls - Will Travel

RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones


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Re: Sandbagging Solution
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2004, 10:16:03 PM »
just my thoughts for ppl with leagues that a 2/3 majority. Put a rule in the league by-laws that state if 2/3 of the captins are ppl feel that you aren't bowling to your ability that you can be kicked out with out question are refund. That would be a small start but there would need to be more thought on how to make sure the system wouldn't be abused. I would make sure that this is would be brought up at the meeting and if you don't agree then don't let the door hit you in your arse on the way out.


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Re: Sandbagging Solution
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2004, 10:17:33 PM »
Here's my approach. We have a few of them who like to wait until
everyone else has finished(these guys are their teams anchors), so
they know what they will need to win the game/series. When I am
in the anchor spot, I just go for a little stroll or bathroom
break. If the offender hasn't started by the time I get back,
I'll just slide up next to him and say "after you". By then their
team is upset with me for holding things up, but I have seen
enough 6 count- gutter ball finishes from these guys I don't care.
I'll stand there all friggin nite if I have to.
I bowl with one guy who has the capablitiy of carrying a very
nice average, but wants to bowl in the 165-170 range so he has
a nice handicap for out of town tournaments. I have went to
a couple of these with him in the past, and it sucks to watch him
average 225 with all that handicap.I quit going with him, and he asked why.
I told him I didn't want to ruin my reputation, and didn't want to
be anywhere near a re-rate when he cashes good, and they call to
check his average and the house owner tells them he has been
shooting in the 165 avg. for 3-4 years but he is standing there
looking at the guys name 4-5 times on the 700 club board.
Scared him for awhile, but hardly enough. I still bowl league
with him, I don't mind taking all his card money becuase of
his unwillingness to even attempt to score well. 3 free
games of practice for me.Raff

da Shiv

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Re: Sandbagging Solution
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2004, 12:32:40 AM »
At this years league meeting I tried to get a new method of calculating averages (last 21 games).

You have mentioned this idea before, and I supported it before, so I thought I'd chime in with support again.  I especially like this idea if the weekly league sheet could list both the most recent 21 game average (to be used for handicapping) and the year total so that disparities could be obvious to all.  Changing any kind of rule seems to be almost impossible in league meetings.  Nobody wants to be bothered thinking about anything or having a reasonable discussion, (sounds like American politics) especially if there is a whiff of math involved.  

The only team of sandbaggers I've encountered in any league got booted a couple years ago.  Everyone grumbled about their obvious bagging, but no one could prove anything.  Fortunately, these guys had a habit of instigating fights in the bar, so the house banned them, thus solving the league's problem.  Individual sandbaggers persist, and their unpopularity does not seem to deter them.

Surely you have met people that can not be humiliated in any fashion.

This is unfortunately true.


Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top

Edited on 8/28/2004 0:28 AM

Edited on 8/28/2004 0:30 AM
Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top

trash heap

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Re: Sandbagging Solution
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2004, 11:16:11 AM »
I never understand this concept. Why are league averages used year after year for bowlers who bowl in tournaments? There should be an established tournament average. May be a league average should be used for the first few tournaments (3 or 4). After that, you have an established tournament average. Tournament average is then established by the best 50 percent of the tournaments you bowl and the bad scores are thrown out. This average is based on your potential. That's it.
Trash Heap (exflinger wannabe)
Talkin' Trash!


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Re: Sandbagging Solution
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2004, 12:19:02 PM »
I like trash heap's idea.  Although, I am also a supporter of witch hunts and lead pipes to the knees too! If they're going to bowl bad, at least give them a good reason for it! LOL


Keep your balls on the lane and your mind in the gutter!
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...

I wonder where they went? ;)

Not done

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Re: Sandbagging Solution
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2004, 12:29:01 PM »
I hate the label sandbagger.. not that I am one, its just that people always think I am because during regular league play, Im like a 170 -180 bowler, because the atmosphere is relaxed. But in tournaments, its more intense and you have to bowl better.... I mean in league I do try, but I usually try out different styles of approaches to see how it will react for that day.
I like it wet...


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Re: Sandbagging Solution
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2004, 01:08:41 PM »
SrK, just out of curiosity, why did your proposal get shot down?

If others in your league recognize the problem enough to be willing to confront a whole team about it, I would think they would be in favor of anything that makes it more difficult to effectively bag, which the 21-game rolling handicap certainly does...
Cogito ergo bowl


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Re: Sandbagging Solution
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2004, 01:19:52 PM »
Sr's idea of an evolving handicap should be easily accomplished with todays computers and software. Personally I would appreciate seeing that in effect.

Now maybe Bones and some other "old timers" may want to comment on this:
To me it seems that "sandbagging" has increased since the advent of higher handicap percentages. Back in the early 80's most leagues around here still only had the handicap set at 70-80%. Now it seems that most leagues use 90% with many at 95 or 100%.

Where is the incentive to practice, get coaching and improve? Take the high handicap and get "hot", then rake in the bucks.

Guessing I have done it all wrong over the past decades, practicing, and trying to become a more accomplished bowler.
The Older We Get, The Better We Were - a NY State Vol. Fire Department - local & national stories by Joe Ciccone The worlds fastest firemen in the origional Xtreme Games
24 is not my age, IQ, or bowling average, but my firematic number, at least I think that what it is - a NY State Vol. Fire Department The world