Here in my area, the cities best bowlers "All" bowl in the Travel League. For some who dont know about this league....its a league where you travel and bowl at different houses around the Metro city. Sometimes every week, most times every two weeks. Six games are bowled, with a max of 8 or 9 bowlers per team.
I said that to say this....Some of those bowlers "only" bowl in that league to keep there averages down. Sandbagging in this league is an understatement. These bowlers who would avg. about 215 or 225 in one house, will avg. about 180 in the Travel League. Dont get me wrong, the Travel League can be tough, but not 180 tough.
When its time for a tournament, they come in with there 180 avg. and just rip the place apart. Is it fair?...Well, USBC says yes, but there needs to be some governing on this issue. Its getting out of hand in my opionion.
Edited on 6/27/2008 10:48 AM