Spence, I do agree from my little experience with each that the Magic Carpet is better. I can't quite understand why, but I have a feeling it has at least something to do with the feel and the "grain" or "grassy" stuff if you will. That's the best I can explain it, I'm sure you know what I mean though. I have sampled the carpet before and I'm not sure if I can do that again, that seems like stealing now that I know what it's like lol. When I sampled it, I got two pieces, the first I misplaced and couldn't get it to stick well enough anymore, and the second I got maybe two games of use on before having to drill out my thumb slug(which dropped 1/8"), so we just threw the piece away thinking it wouldn't stick another time just like the first. The velcro I tried(industrial strength) sticks multiple times but sometimes the corners don't that becomes irritating to my thumb.
Sorry to hijack the thread like this, it's just interesting how different the products can be. I really wonder how the Carpet is made.