Ok, lately on my Thursday nite league i have either had great weeks, shooting high 600's/700's and then the next week it seems like i can barely shoot 500. I have been noticing this all yr long, and every pair of lanes seems to have its own pattern.
Everypair of lanes in the house transistion differently, some you get massive carry down in the first game, then the lanes dry up, and get erratic. which has been my problem.
I cant seem to get a decent reaction with any of the balls i bring.
The oil pattern is a simple house pattern, 38ft long i can normally use my BarbedWire all nite if the oil holds up. playing 17-10.
But if the pattern starts to break down, i get over/under. Like last week, first 5 frames of the game shot was good, then it was like instant carry down. I couldnt move right fast enough.
So i switch to my XXXtreme and for the rest of the game i am back into the pocket, playing the same line as i started with. 17-10.
Second game the Xtreme starts to hook early about 4th frame, and i start to move left to stay in the oil, but no luck. So i switch back to the BarbedWire, and i get over/under reaction. and Fight it for the rest of the nite.
Now, i have only been bringing two balls to this league, cuz i find i bowl better when i have less of a choice in balls, cuz then i cant start doubting my judgement in balls and reactions.
Well tonight i went to the proshop and had my BarbedWire polished back up with some Go-long, scuffed up my XXXtreme back to 800grit(was polished, then hit with 1000), And then i scuffed up my Charge with 1000grit, which is drilled similar to my BarbedWire.
I do have several other balls, Re-loaded, Xfactor, 2 Hotrods, BlueThunder, EraserBoost.
And i was starting to think my stuff was overlapping and giving me the same reactions. Hence the scuff up of the Charge, and polish of the B.W.
I do know alot of people will say if you have a spotty condition that gives you alot of over/under, your better off going with a ball that has a mild reaction. Which is why i was always going with my B.W
Let me know of how you would deal with over under reactions
" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "