that you would describe as a solid pocket shot that leaves a split? I've had a rash of these lately, pretty shots leaving 7-10's, 4-9, and 5-7's. The shot looks like my typical strike ball, so what is happening at the pins to cause these horrible leaves? I'm just trying to get a better understanding so I can guess how to adjust and get away from so many of them. I'm not shooting bad, my last 3 sets were a 636, 639, and 648, but without the splits, I'm pushing 7's. The shots working, but I'm thinking I have to be doing something wrong to have the splits being very frequent. I understand the bad shots, but these balls don't look bad.
Typically, I'm your down and in bowler, medium-high to high speed, high track, low-med revs, using a phenom unleashed.