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Author Topic: Say Wal-Mart sold bowling balls........  (Read 14641 times)


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Say Wal-Mart sold bowling balls........
« on: December 26, 2007, 01:18:19 PM »
Ok, say Wal-Mart decided to add a bowling section to it's sports department.  Say they carried around 5-8 of every company's hottest balls with 2 or 3 plastic/entry level balls and sold them at Internet pricing with drilling included.  How many of you would leave your current driller and get your balls drilled there if they had a "Certified" driller, but still paid him a typical $1.50 above minimum wage, hourly wage?  To stir the pot even more, what if no plugging/redrilling services were offered and a no-return on drilled balls policy in effect?  Would you still buy your balls for $50-70 cheaper at Wal-Mart and take the 50/50 risk of a good job/poor job being done?
-DJ Marshall
...The Twelve In a Row Pro Shop.  Hyattsville, MD
Coach: University of Maryland Baltimore County Mens Bowling

Edited on 12/26/2007 10:18 PM



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Re: Say Wal-Mart sold bowling balls........
« Reply #46 on: July 06, 2008, 10:21:39 PM »
ive seen a ball from dick's sporting goods certified ball drillers had 3 holes(obviously) all the same size 31/32 with the spand being off one finger by 3/4 inch the other by 1 inch. Im no certified ball driller i learned the old fashion way was tought went to a couple seminars and so on but i wouldn't trust some highschool kid that has a piece of paper saying hes qualified to drill my ball working for a little over min wage. even more so cause how's that person going to know how you throw where your pap is and so on i sure as helll aint going to walk into wally world with my bowling bag on my shoulder
" when you dislodge your head from your a@! make sure to whipe your eyes"

trash heap

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Re: Say Wal-Mart sold bowling balls........
« Reply #47 on: July 07, 2008, 10:20:35 AM »
Well first off....this is never going to happen. Walmart likes products moving off the shelves and bowling balls are not going sell.

One word states it all for me why I will not give my business to anyone else:


I know I am going to get a excellent product! (A ball with a good pin placement and drilled right!)

Talkin' Trash!