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Author Topic: Say Wal-Mart sold bowling balls........  (Read 14650 times)


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Say Wal-Mart sold bowling balls........
« on: December 26, 2007, 01:18:19 PM »
Ok, say Wal-Mart decided to add a bowling section to it's sports department.  Say they carried around 5-8 of every company's hottest balls with 2 or 3 plastic/entry level balls and sold them at Internet pricing with drilling included.  How many of you would leave your current driller and get your balls drilled there if they had a "Certified" driller, but still paid him a typical $1.50 above minimum wage, hourly wage?  To stir the pot even more, what if no plugging/redrilling services were offered and a no-return on drilled balls policy in effect?  Would you still buy your balls for $50-70 cheaper at Wal-Mart and take the 50/50 risk of a good job/poor job being done?
-DJ Marshall
...The Twelve In a Row Pro Shop.  Hyattsville, MD
Coach: University of Maryland Baltimore County Mens Bowling

Edited on 12/26/2007 10:18 PM


The SuperHitMan

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Re: Say Wal-Mart sold bowling balls........
« Reply #16 on: December 27, 2007, 06:57:49 AM »
Unless you and Old Man Slater left 12 in a Row and opened up shop in walmart I'm saying oh hell no.
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Re: Say Wal-Mart sold bowling balls........
« Reply #17 on: December 27, 2007, 07:57:08 AM »
Wallyworld SUCKS.  I am one of those people that will actually pay a premium somewhere else before WM gets a penny from me...


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Re: Say Wal-Mart sold bowling balls........
« Reply #18 on: December 27, 2007, 09:44:52 AM »
I think it comes down to who is drilling the balls.  It sounds like if your starving proshop operator decided to get a 9-5 job at Walmart drilling balls, a lot of people would be getting balls at Walmart.

In my area, a number of proshop operators are around for a while and then go out of business. So there are drillers around.


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Re: Say Wal-Mart sold bowling balls........
« Reply #19 on: December 27, 2007, 09:51:28 AM »
No. I'm very happy with my current ball driller.  Now if he got hired by Wal-Mart, then they would have my business!

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Say Wal-Mart sold bowling balls........
« Reply #20 on: December 27, 2007, 10:59:25 AM »
If Wal-Mart sold bowling balls I would never know because you couldn't pay me to set foot in one.  Hellholes!
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Re: Say Wal-Mart sold bowling balls........
« Reply #21 on: December 27, 2007, 11:46:23 AM »
I call a huge amount of BS on most of these answers.  I'm sure a decent percentage of people would stay with their current proshop because they like them and they do good work.  But look how many people buy tons of balls online, and quite a few people go for the drilling service also.  Why?  MONEY.  With the recent threads about people buying 10-15 NIB balls and who knows how many used ones, price is the driving force.  If people were paying, say $200 per ball including drilling, they wouldn't be buying 10-15 new balls per year.  Heck, many of the people buying used equipment look for similar spans and pitches.  You know many of them probably just change out the grips and don't worry that the pitches are different and the span is 1/2" longer.  Many of the dedicated people here are picky about getting everything right, but there are plenty of people that will use anything if it's close.

If Walmart/Target had a competent driller and good prices, plenty of people would be getting most of their equipment there.  No one would care that the driller wasn't making squat.
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Re: Say Wal-Mart sold bowling balls........
« Reply #22 on: December 27, 2007, 11:50:51 AM »
i'd buy but only cause i drill my own stuff


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Re: Say Wal-Mart sold bowling balls........
« Reply #23 on: December 27, 2007, 12:04:44 PM »
I'd buy my balls at Walmart, and have my pro shop drill them. Sorry, but the markup on equipment at local shops is just too much. I know they are trying to make an honest living in a market going through early to mid phases of domination by internet sales, but I'm loyal to my wallet, not the proshops bank account.

Conversely, I would never buy a ball over the internet and have them drill it and ship it to me.
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Re: Say Wal-Mart sold bowling balls........
« Reply #24 on: December 27, 2007, 12:08:04 PM »
Walmart and Sports Academy carried balls and shoes a while back - The brunswicks are sold @ those spots and you can find some plastic balls sometimes also..  Getting a ball drilled @ that spot is like playing gambling. You win a few..

Walking E

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Re: Say Wal-Mart sold bowling balls........
« Reply #25 on: December 27, 2007, 12:32:08 PM »
No way.  

I bought my first ball at Treasury (it was the discount store of JC Penney) and had them drill it.  They were supposedly trained to do the measuring and drilling.  Since that adventure almost 30 years ago, I will never have anyone but my pro shop guy drill my equipment.  

LOL - Treasury. I wanted a ball at Treasury (a nice-looking, ice blue Ebonite that wasn't available at the pro shop) but never got it. I had my first ball drilled at JC Penneys or Sears - don't remember which. Treasury was the largest store I ever set foot inside.

Anyway, I would never stray from the Pro Shop. I don't even try to buy used equipment that is "similar" to my own specs - I used to do that as well until I realized that my fingers were hurting because the pitches were off.
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Re: Say Wal-Mart sold bowling balls........
« Reply #26 on: December 27, 2007, 12:35:56 PM »
Depending on the ball, I might buy it there.....but no way would I have them drill a ball.  I'm way to pleased with my current pro shop's drilling to take that elsewhere.
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Re: Say Wal-Mart sold bowling balls........
« Reply #27 on: December 27, 2007, 03:31:09 PM »
Maybe I am a little bit biased since I own and operate a Pro Shop, but here is my idle banter:
First and foremost, Dicks sells and drills bowling equipment in my area.  I have gone and talked to the sales person that handles the ball fitting/drilling.  I got fitted for a plastic ball and let them drill it.  The middle finger was 63/64, 1/4 right lateral pitch.  The ring finger was 63/64 3/8 right lat. (yes the holes met at the bottom) with a 1/2 inch bridge.
The span was way too long for a conventional drilling and by the way it was drilled it leads me to believe they just used a cordless drill to drill the damn thing.  They charged me 59.99 for this ball including the "drilling".

Now in my pro shop I charge 65.99 for a plastic ball, that is including fitting and drilling.  Is this 6 dollar savings really worth having your hand messed up from a ill fitting ball?

As far as trying to get "rich", yes I am in business and business by definition- usually commercial or mercantile activity engaged in as a means of livelihood.  So I am trying to make enough money to pay for my food, house, car and electricity, all doing something I love.  I figure to pay myself, the rent for my Pro Shop, various seminars and training workshops, telephone, internet, cc processing fees, insurance and electricity at my shop I need to have about 40-50% mark up on my merchandise.  That is pennies compared to other retail operations.

So if you buy a ball on the internet- lets say a high end. Pay roughly 140 plus shipping- so about 155, you can bring it to me to have it drilled for $45 plus $20 for the inserts (finger and thumb)
or you can buy the same ball from me for 225 plus tax.  Again I believe I am worth the 5 bucks.

James McCarter
The Bowlers Solution INC
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Re: Say Wal-Mart sold bowling balls........
« Reply #28 on: December 27, 2007, 04:22:36 PM »
proof or it didnt happen

NO! NO! NO!  A thousand times NO!  Wal-mart is a company that buys all their merchandise from China, does not pay time and a half for overtime, shows their 30 hour per week employees how to apply for and get welfare, lock their employees in the store so they can't go home,etc, etc.  They are a curse to the United States of America.

PS:  This is all documented.

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Re: Say Wal-Mart sold bowling balls........
« Reply #29 on: December 27, 2007, 04:27:29 PM »
If they had 2 for 1 and the best driller around i would NOT give them a nickle!


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Re: Say Wal-Mart sold bowling balls........
« Reply #30 on: July 04, 2008, 02:24:09 PM »
Im not defending Walmart in any way shape or form, as I despise them and have never bought something from them.

That being said, you claimed Walmart uses unfair business practices, you are the one responsible for coming up with proof. Im sure your right, and not looking to argue hear, but trying to say Im right because nobody can prove me wrong doesn't work like that. If I get charged with a crime, I don't ever have to even open my mouth in court. I can have me and my lawyer stay completely silent. Its not up to me to prove my innocence, its up to you to prove my guilt, same concept applies here.

He doesn't have to prove you wrong, you have to prove yourself right.

Note, not asking you to actually do that, as said I despise walmart also, im just making a point that applies to all topics.