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Author Topic: Scratch leagues?  (Read 3759 times)


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Scratch leagues?
« on: July 02, 2008, 01:54:52 AM »
Are their alot of scratch leagues in your area? We have relativly few or what I think is relativley few around here. One in Appleton at Super Bowl in a city of over 70,000 one Scratch league, Appleton is also connected to Kimberly, Combined Locks, Little Chute, Menasha, Kaukauna, and Darboy the only cities mentioned that don't have a bowling center is Darboy. Their is Rusch's lanes in Kimberly/Combined Locks, Two bowling centers in Kaukauna one is only like 6 lanes though, Little Chute as a 16 lane center and Menasha has a 48 lane center none of these has a Scratch league. Also their is 32 or so lane center in Neenaha which is 15 miles south of Appleton no scratch league their.

Any one else have the same thing going on your area's? Do you find this trend as startling as I do?

I think having few scratch leagues sucks if I don't bowl Scratch in Appleton we have to go 25 miles north to Green Bay 25 miles south to Oshkosh or 50 miles north west to Shawano.  

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Re: Scratch leagues?
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2008, 10:02:15 AM »
I dont know of any in the Baltimore area...


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Re: Scratch leagues?
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2008, 10:13:51 AM »
PBA Ex or House leagues?

PBA Experience there is one at Ft Meade both Winter and Summer on Monday nights at 7pm. Scratch trios.

Thursday nights in the summer at Perry Hall Scrach Singles match play league.
Speed Kills
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Re: Scratch leagues?
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2008, 10:27:50 AM »
I know of two in our area that are uncapped scratch leagues.

One is a 5 person classic travel league the other is at one house trios. Both are on house shots.

There are other capped scratch leagues plus a pba shot league but limited participation with 2 person teams (9 teams in league).


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Re: Scratch leagues?
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2008, 10:31:32 AM »
I did not realize the one at Ft Meade was scratch.  I am not sure I want to bowl a whole winter league on PBAX.


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Re: Scratch leagues?
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2008, 12:43:34 PM »
Here in Rochester, NY there are still a few scratch leagues.

There is a Thursday Sport Condition league, a Tuesday PBA Experience league, and a Thursday doubles house shot league.

These are at Clover Lanes where I bowl, and I believe every house here at at least one scratch league (but I could be wrong).

If I have to bowl handicap, I'll have to think long and hard about that.

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Re: Scratch leagues?
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2008, 12:48:51 PM »
They are dead because the american competive spirit is largely dead and entitlement has set in.

vast majority or THS scratch bowlers know they dont deserve their average and are afraind to compete head to head. They would rather complain about handicap and shoot cripples in leagues and tournaments.


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Re: Scratch leagues?
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2008, 01:21:34 PM »
Thank you Joe Bowler, finally someone seeing outside the easy reasons of technology, equipment, easy lanes, and hooking balls.  There's so much more going on with the decline of bowling other than what I've listed.  

If the technology we have now was available in bowling's heyday, 50's to late 70's the same arguments would arise, but bowling would still have been as popular as it was.  Because that's what you did in the 50's, you bowled.  You not only bowled you did activities in groups.  

There is still a huge contingency of senior leagues all over the country not necessarily because they have the time for them (that's a major reason though), but because that's their culture, it's what they did.  Senior scratch clubs get more entries than some handicap clubs in the southern California area.

There's so much more going on in the world that affects scratch bowling more than "hook monsters" and typical house shots.  

Enough rant.

In Southern California there are still a handful of scratch leagues.  The biggest I know is at Del Rio lanes in Downey, 4 man teams, $20,000 to the winner, 6 teams that make the finals get their league fees back.  We bowl on some messed up patterns too 1st round house shot, 2nd about 20 ft. of oil and stripped, 3rd 50-55 ft. of oil, 4th flat/reversed sport shot that's dead hooking.  Lot's of fun, used to have all the PBA guys in it's heydays bowl, now we're down to 14-16 teams.

Many leagues have gone to modified scratch, with team handicap but individual match points scratch, or some other variant of that.  Wish there was more, but it's up to us higher caliber bowlers to committ to the teams shoe up and bowl.  The biggest problem we have getting teams is that no one will commit.  They see a pretty good team get together and then won't join a team to try and beat them, and then they complain that there's not enough teams rediculous.  SHOE UP!

*...Got the 5 out clean!

To prove I'm real 270-2931

Edited on 7/2/2008 1:22 PM


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Re: Scratch leagues?
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2008, 01:28:02 PM »
no scratch league in my town, theres a PBAX league 30 mins from here but they did it handicap.


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Re: Scratch leagues?
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2008, 01:43:07 PM »
I did not realize the one at Ft Meade was scratch.  I am not sure I want to bowl a whole winter league on PBAX.

We generally break it down into 3 10 week sessions.  It is a great league.  Lots of folks willing to help you with your game and big practice sessions on Sunday mornings when they lay the shot out for all to practice on.

And for the Joy Esterson fan club, she bowls in that
Speed Kills
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Re: Scratch leagues?
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2008, 02:26:18 PM »
I did not realize the one at Ft Meade was scratch.  I am not sure I want to bowl a whole winter league on PBAX.

We generally break it down into 3 10 week sessions.  It is a great league.  Lots of folks willing to help you with your game and big practice sessions on Sunday mornings when they lay the shot out for all to practice on.

And for the Joy Esterson fan club, she bowls in that
Speed Kills
When in doubt, move out

Yep, I complained the whole season in that league that the left-handers never had to move on any of the patterns. It was a good league, especially considering that we won the roll-off with three righties. It's good to get hot at the right time. Unfortunately we will not be defending our crown. As for any other scratch leagues in the Balt-DC area, I know of none.
The 10 pin is the enemy!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Scratch leagues?
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2008, 03:24:20 PM »
They are dead because the american competive spirit is largely dead and entitlement has set in.

You sure said a mouthful.

There are no scratch leagues in the Atlanta metro area and I've asked around quite a bit in the year since moving here.

You'll likely need to look in some of the bigger bowling hot spots around the globe to find good scratch leagues.

Would love to hear from people outside North America on this.

J.J. "Waterola Kid" Anderson, the bLowling King  : Kill the back row


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Re: Scratch leagues?
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2008, 03:50:47 PM »
msg sent!!


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Re: Scratch leagues?
« Reply #13 on: July 02, 2008, 04:49:40 PM »
here in the st. joseph, missouri, bowling association there are several sratch leagues available. the belt sports complex( 40 lanes )has three of them: the classic industrial league on wednesday in the winter is a typical 5 man team scratch league. in the summer there is a trio scratch league on mondays and a ten-game sweeper scratch league on thursdays. olympia lanes( 32 lanes )has a 10 game sweeper scratch league on thursdays during the summer. savage lanes( 8 lanes ) in nearby savannah also has a ten game scratch sweeper league on wednesdays in the summer. most of the players in these leagues are not scratch bowlers and never will be.


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Re: Scratch leagues?
« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2008, 01:10:42 AM »
We have 1 scratch league in my area(Mine Shaft Lanes, Houghton, MI), it has 4-person teams, a 780 cap, and it is bowled on a 2nd shift THS. This leads to some ugly conditions some weeks, and some decent ones other weeks(depends which teams are on the lanes 1st shift).


Edited on 7/5/2008 8:07 PM