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Author Topic: Scream vs. Ascent Pearl  (Read 5364 times)


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Scream vs. Ascent Pearl
« on: February 02, 2013, 11:24:16 AM »
Has anyone thrown both with similar drillings?
(FYI I know what the BJI and BTM reviews say; they're not helpful so far, as they seem slightly contradictory.)

Also please don't hand me the company line. They're both really good balls; I know that. That's not what I'm after. I have the Scream and even with a length drilling, it's shockingly strong in the midlane for me so far. I really don't want to buy an Ascent Pearl and learn that it's even stronger. (Yes, I know I can modify the surface; I'm not ready to do that just yet.)

So my questions stand:
- have you thrown both drilled similarly?
- what's your style and lane oil amount?
- what are you seeing?

"None are so blind as those who will not see."



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Re: Scream vs. Ascent Pearl
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2013, 12:06:12 PM »

My Ascent Solid is strong enough to handle true medium sport oil in my other league. So it is my fear that the Pearl is just an appropriate step down from it.

I wish I could give you a better feel for the Ascent Pearl. I know saying it's a 'step down' from the solid doesn't totally answer your question. And we probably have different definitions 'dry' based on what we usually see. I hardly ever see anything dry enough to use the Ascent Pearl. The last time I used it was in a tournament on the 33' WTBA Sydney pattern. My solid Ascent was a little too much off the dry when exiting the oil, and the Pearl was the answer.

I do a lot of 6-gamers, and the solid is almost always my go-to ball when the patterns get trashed the last two games. The pearl is an insurance ball when I reach the end of my rope.

Finding the niche dry lane ball seems to be one of the most difficult searches. Let me know if you hit pay dirt.     
« Last Edit: February 04, 2013, 12:07:43 PM by Steven »


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Re: Scream vs. Ascent Pearl
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2013, 12:25:40 PM »

Honestly, you really did give me a "feel" for what it does. I've read what you wrote enough times to understand what you mean explicitly and implicitly.

Since I (want to) believe that 14 lb. balls are only a temporary situation, I have plenty enough to modify and I don't really want to be buying more. I'm sure a Breeze or a Slingshot would be perfect (for what I need right now)  but since i have the Scream, I'll modify the surface to manipulate toward handling less oil.

Thanks again.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."