I seem to remember the CATS showing that she was spraying the ball. It was obvious that she had more room than the rightys.
However, the right handed guys were generally not splitting boards either, and seemed to be over balled.
I wonder what happened to Duke and Williams. It would seem that if up 5 with soft hands was the carry area for the entire tournament, Duke would have been there. If Up 15 with accuracy and speed was the shot the entire tournament, Williams would have won.
I think the shot in the finals was not the same as the shot leading up to the final day.
Randy was showing CATS numbers during the entire show. Shannon was not spraying the ball at all !
As far as the comment of CDB following 4 men bowlers. They did not destroy the shot, it was already gone before the first match started. Too bad they did not show the bowlers throwing their practice shots before the telecast. It would be interesting to see if all of the righties destroyed the shot, or if it was really gone before they started. After all, Russell trying to roll out the ball and Rash completly lost, they had nothing to do with destroying the condition.
In all, it was a very entertaining telecast. Kind of reminded me of league night in my bowling center.
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