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Author Topic: Tulsa Oil Capital  (Read 3462 times)


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Tulsa Oil Capital
« on: November 09, 2003, 01:33:24 AM »
A buddy of mine did pretty well there last weekend, he shot 747 in singles, which is (or was, I haven't heard any updates) in second, I believe.  His name's Greg Atwater II, just in case anyone down there saw him bowl or has seen his score on the leaderboard.  Said he never had a spare until the 7th or 8th frame of the last game.  Two opens the first game for 250-something, 1 open the next game for 260-something, and an open and a spare or two the last game.  Could've shot 800 if he'd have been clean . .
The weekly signature series, by Hamster.

My cat is 21.  I never thought I'd see the day when I'd actually think that 21 year old "kitty" was a bad thing.



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Re: Tulsa Oil Capital
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2003, 04:43:03 PM »
I live 10 minutes from Tulsa. Sheridan Lanes are so damn easy that all you got to worry is whether or not you carry.

The Hose

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Re: Tulsa Oil Capital
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2003, 10:20:05 AM »
740 will be lucky to Cash in Oil Capital.  
Your friend is the reason this tournament has been a success.
People love to go to a tournament out of town and come back and tell their friends about how great they bowled.

   Sheridan is a joke as far as getting to the pocket.  

  I don't bowl this tournament because of the handicap, sandbagger, and ridiculous scores.  
  Chris Johnson did go nuts and win all-events last with with almost 2400.  I saw a team shoot 3700 last year.


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Re: Tulsa Oil Capital
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2003, 10:51:19 AM »
Lol, actually one of my boss's buddies went to bowl a year or so ago, and mentioned seeing someone shoot 858 and get like 2nd or 3rd, that's the reason I didn't go.  No money to go either, but my buddy isn't really expecting to cash, he'd like to do well in the team event so he might make some money from the all events, but yeah, I've heard rumors.
The weekly signature series, by Hamster.

My cat is 21.  I never thought I'd see the day when I'd actually think that 21 year old "kitty" was a bad thing.


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Re: Tulsa Oil Capital
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2003, 12:41:30 PM »
I also skipped the Oil Capital because the scores are way too high.  There's already (4) 800's listed on their website, so I doubt he will do very well in singles.

At the Greater Tulsa Open tournament running at Riverlanes this same time, a 747 in Singles would be a pretty good score.  I bowled this last weekend and could definitely see why the scores were lower.  New pins, out of bounds, dry in middle of lane, etc.  I truly enjoyed it.  I always felt like I had a chance to compete if I made the proper shots.  Unfortunately for me, I didn't make enough of them.  However, I can accept that I didn't perform well enough to win.

I watched some others competing and I didn't see anyone swinging the lane coast to coast and striking at will.  The THB's that tried this had a few gutters along with some shots that crossed over so bad that they missed the head pin.  These THB's got a little reality slap in the face.


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Re: Tulsa Oil Capital
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2003, 04:52:49 PM »
Hammy, your friend bowled in the Greater Tulsa Open and is in 3rd right now.  I personally didn't see anyone with that good of a look.  I could see shooting 750, but I would have had to be a lot sharper than I was.  

Knuckles, we only had 1 guy break 700 for our 2 teams.  Most of us were stuck in the low to mid 600 range.  The consensus amoung our group was an out of bounds at 5, real dry inside 15 especially in the backend.  I didn't see anyone swinging the ball much.  Most had to play a pretty tight line with a preferred breakpoint around 8-10.  The approaches are tacky especially anywhere you see a darker spot.  Our team pair had a funky dark area on the far left side on both lanes.  Check them out ahead of time.  The place is big enough that if you arrive early, you may be able to practice a game.  That would be a great idea just to get used to the approaches.  Good luck.

I have to say that I loved the non-smoking facility.  I'm ready for that everywhere.


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Re: Tulsa Oil Capital
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2003, 09:52:52 PM »
We stopped going to the Oil Capitol a couple years ago after the people running the brackets pulled a quicky on the squad we bowled. Here is what happened just for FYI. I happen to be bowling with a team that we had put together to do a few tourneys here and there. We had one PBA member, three former from the old days and myself before I joined. I happened to have my World team challenge jacket on and since I have always been a supported of the PBA, put on a patch I picked up at the tour in Dallas. Well, to move on. I signed up for 2 or 3 brackets and my team mates about $100 each. At the end of the first game and my 279 game, one of the guys asked how many brackets I was in. I told him and he informed me I was in every bracket. I asked who put me in and all we were told was some guy that hangs out and backs people here and there. The initials next to my name we later found out, matched the guy who runs brackets. Well after I knocked my team mates out of nearly every bracket and cashed in all but two. I got my money for the couple I got in and not a dime more. I would have thought at least a thanks or lunch would be in order. We have not been back sense, but have bowled at Riverlanes. The way the lane conditions were handled after the first squad did not help that decision. A 20ft overlay on fried syhthetics did not do much for the shot in the later squads.

We would or they will be there next weekend bowling the Tulsa open. They only allow one pro per team. I was going and although neither of us have a title and I have not even cashed in a regional, we could not bowl together. Seems a two PBA member or one tour champion limit would be a more reasonable restriction. It is their tournament, so they should know what they want. Hey saved me some trip money at least.

The Hose

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Re: Tulsa Oil Capital
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2003, 08:55:08 AM »
TEX,  Who all will be here next weekend?  I had an e-mail from Debbie Murr saying that they would be up.  I'm subbing for a team at Oil Capital but would never pay to bowl there.  

The GTO is run by the same people who ran the Oil Capital last year (not the brackets though).  A group of ladies had run the OC for years and my understanding is that there was some problems between them and AMF (who purchased Sheridan a couple of years ago).  The ladies all went to work at Riverlanes and started the GTO.  There was talk that they had the OC mailing list.

As far as brackets, I don't know if there is anything wrong with what they did to you.  However, I think anyone who is going to put you in should ask first.  If you win them some money, they should give you some of it as you said or buy your lunch.

I don't expect any money in return for winning someone money off of me.  I look at it as a horse race and they have put their money on me.  If I win them some, great, if I lose it, too bad for them.  When I go to a horse race, I don't feel I need to buy some oats for the horse who made me money

They should have asked you first, but I don't see where they pulled a quicky on you.  JMHO


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Re: Tulsa Oil Capital
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2003, 11:56:40 AM »
Tex, I'm glad I'm not the only one that happened to in the brackets.  I even told them that I didn't want anyone else putting my name down and they did it anyway.  The reason for this is that I will partner up with other bowlers in our group and we try to limit how many times we bump into each other.  

Rumor I heard was that Oil Capital was way down on entries this year.  I hope this is true.  This used to be a can't miss tournament.  Not so anymore.


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Re: Tulsa Oil Capital
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2003, 11:58:10 AM »
Gotcha, I got them mixed up . . !!!
The weekly signature series, by Hamster.

I was bowling one of the higher average scratch bowlers in league a month or so ago who bowls with average speed and maybe 5 revs from 1st arrow.  On one shot, he left a 9 pin.  Walking back, he frowned and said, "Nobody that throws a fag ball should leave that pin."

The Hose

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Re: Tulsa Oil Capital
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2003, 12:47:01 PM »
Tex, I'm glad I'm not the only one that happened to in the brackets. I even told them that I didn't want anyone else putting my name down and they did it anyway. The reason for this is that I will partner up with other bowlers in our group and we try to limit how many times we bump into each other.

Rumor I heard was that Oil Capital was way down on entries this year. I hope this is true. This used to be a can't miss tournament. Not so anymore.

I agree 100%.  If you told them not to and they did, that was wrong.  A couple of year ago, I was asked to sub in D and S.  In singles, I told them to put me in every scratch bracket, after shooting 257, I walked up to see how I did.  To my surprise, I wasn't in any!  The dude forgot to put me in.  I was so pissed I didn't even get in any in Doubles.

The Oil Capital has about half the entries this year as last and I expect that number to go down next year.