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Author Topic: Quick Rule Help  (Read 1624 times)


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Quick Rule Help
« on: July 16, 2008, 09:25:35 AM »
Someone on my team attempted to prebowl this morning.  There was a youth camp there and the person behind the desk put him right next to the camp.  Throughout the game he asked to move, but supposively the house was keeping half the lanes unused for a later league, so he was stuck.  Long story short, he ended up getting    frustrated with a million little kids running in front of him and ended up bowling a 160 with a 220 avg.  He didnt finish bowling because he was aggrevated at the group next to him and the lady behind the desk, handed in his sheet and left.  

I know it might come down to our league rules, but can you prebowl for 1 game?  We have a sub, can he just rebowl that game along with the next 2 games?   Can a sub even bowl the remaining two?



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Re: Quick Rule Help
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2008, 05:48:20 PM »
he needs to just suck it up and quit being a baby about it.... its not the kids fault he bowled a 160

Edited on 7/16/2008 5:49 PM


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Re: Quick Rule Help
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2008, 06:01:19 PM »
Lol, i totally agree that he should just suck it up.  Too late now though  I was hoping to find a crack in the rulebook

Anyway, this is the first year in a while that they are allowing this summer league to prebowl individually.  At the beginning of the year, that was not so.  I guess too many teams couldnt prebowl as a full team with vacation and summer schedules.

Thanks for the info


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Re: Quick Rule Help
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2008, 06:04:12 PM »
As soon as he decided he was going to prebowl he decided that these score will count, he should honor the score and just deal with it.
Dale Williams
Columbia 300 Utah Amateur Staff


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Re: Quick Rule Help
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2008, 06:23:10 PM »
As long as your league has a rule allowing individual pre bowling then he's fine. But when he started bowling, then those scores count.  If he quit for no emergency or injury then he's supposed to get zero for those two games.  That's what's supposed to happen.  What will probably happen is that he'll take his average for those last two games.  But he should NOT be allowed to bowl the last two games during league play.



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Re: Quick Rule Help
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2008, 06:31:04 PM »
Don't know what your league rules are, but if he started bowling and was not
injured, his non scores should count also.  What a baby.


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Re: Quick Rule Help
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2008, 07:13:13 AM »
We ended up taking 7.  Team of 3 threw a 66 scratch even with his 160


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Re: Quick Rule Help
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2008, 11:08:00 AM »
I actually had a similiar situation, although i almost killed one of the kids when he ran in front of me, i then proceeded to yell at the parents in charge and it didn't happen again.


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Re: Quick Rule Help
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2008, 01:32:21 PM »
Rule 108b. Without Cause
When a player does not complete a game for reasons other than disability, injury, or emergency, the player’s team shall count zero for each remaining frame in the game. (See Rule 118a for average information.)
If there is any doubt of a player’s reason for not being able to continue a game, the league’s board of directors shall decide. A player who leaves a game without cause cannot return to bowl in the same game.
Commonly Asked Questions – Rule 108b
108b/1   After missing a spare in the fifth frame of the second game, the player gets upset and stops bowling. How do you score the bowlers second and third game?
The team is credited with the actual score for the first five frames bowled and zero for each remaining frames in the second game. For the third game, the team uses the player’s absentee score. In calculating the bowler’s average, only the first game is included in the bowler’s average record.

Sounds like his 160 will count and if I’m reading it correctly his other two will be his absentee average. Either way, what a baby.
(Airborne Army 1SG all the way)


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Re: Quick Rule Help
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2008, 01:46:20 PM »
What if he bowled a 160 during the regular league play? Would he put his stuff away and go home? TFB for him!!!!
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Re: Quick Rule Help
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2008, 08:28:38 PM »
hey yall
         you need to look into this.. I thouhght when prebowling for a league, you needed an officer of the league present 1st of all.. also when making games up you are not suppose to bowl next to open bowling bowlers(should be a pair away..) our league rules state that the house is responsible for oiling the lanes, like if we were really bowling in our league.. lot of guys go to the ABC's in my league..


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Re: Quick Rule Help
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2008, 06:58:17 AM »
hey yall
         you need to look into this.. I thouhght when prebowling for a league, you needed an officer of the league present 1st of all..

Yes, that is accurate.  There should have been a league officer present to witness the bowling.

also when making games up you are not suppose to bowl next to open bowling bowlers(should be a pair away..) our league rules state that the house is responsible for oiling the lanes, like if we were really bowling in our league.. lot of guys go to the ABC's in my league..

That is a pretty common misconception.  Having a pair between league bowling and open bowling is an issue to be worked out between the league and the house.  The USBC does not tell the house it has to lose money on that unused pair of lanes.  To my knowledge, this has never been a real rule, though many houses to try to keep a pair open, if for no other reason than if a lane breaks down, you want to be able to move your league bowlers to a working lane.

I agree with Berreez, he quit bowling for no good reason.  Certainly no injury or emergency.  His 160 stands, his other two games get the absentee score (usually average-10).  There is another rule that specifically addresses whether those scores should stand as bowled, the CAQ reads something like "We were not going to make it to league night so we pre-bowled.  Then league got cancelled because of weather and we were available to bowl on the make-up night.  Do our pre-bowled scores stand or can we bowl with the rest of the league?".  The answer says that the scores stand and the fact that the league time changed has nothing to do with it.

He should have quit being a whiny baby and bowled.  I'm not saying it wouldn't be a challenge, but if the guy averages 220, he must know a little about what he's doing.  Tell him to suck it up, put on his big boy underpants, and be happy they're not kicking him out of the league for bad behavior.  Especially in front of youth bowlers.