don't give up. i've had 4 rotator cuff surgeries, torn tendens and bone spurrs in the last 2 years, oh yeah, plus 2 screws inserted. it's very frustrating, after each surgery i looked forward to coming back only to have another setback, another surgery. i went to an orthopedic surgeon for the 1st 3 and then he sent me to a specialist. my suggestion, if your insurance will cover it, and you need surgery, go with a specialist from the start. i wish i would have, it would've saved me a year and a half of pain and grief. you will bowl again, i had to drop to 14# but am carrying a 207 average right now. i'm still a work in progress but patience is your # 1 concern. take it easy when you come back, you will have some doubts and trust issues but those will get easier as time goes on. good luck and don't get too down.