
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: BrooklynSlop on June 30, 2008, 02:18:15 PM

Title: Separated Shoulder: Bye-Bye Bowling...
Post by: BrooklynSlop on June 30, 2008, 02:18:15 PM
Last week I hurt my shoulder while moving. I thought it was nothing but a minor pulled muscle or something. The next day I went to the lanes to toss a couple of games and on the third shot **SNAP** my shoulder pops completely out of socket - OUUUUUUCH!!!!! Major pain and constant popping in and out of socket with everything I've done since.

I saw a doctor about it today, who then referred me to a surgeon. I have a separated shoulder with an anterior tear and/or sprain in several of my ligaments around the shoulder joint. This is causing "shoulder instability"  which is why it continues to pop out of joint.

Long story short, surgery may not be necessary right away. I need to tape it up every day and wear a sling for the first couple of weeks to allow everything to properly heal. I am not allowed any strenuous physical activity with the shoulder for at least 4-6 months. At that time the surgeon will perform another evaluation to determine whether surgery will be necessary to correct the problem.

My doctor told me point blank that my bowling days are most likely over for good (unless I want to attempt lefty and re-learn the game from step one).

Anyway, I thought I would share... I'm pretty bummed about it to say the least...

In fact, heck, let's be honest... I'm devastated. I love this game, and I hate to think that I may no longer get to be a part of it...
"Opportunity is never lost... It is taken by someone else."
Title: Re: Separated Shoulder: Bye-Bye Bowling...
Post by: abrown on June 30, 2008, 10:22:28 PM
one of the owners at the local house i bowl at  had to switch over it was a real ego buster for him going from a 215 down to a 118 he got arthritis so bad he couldn't pick a ball up right handed now 4 years later he has a 170 + avg and he still improving
" when you dislodge your head from your a@! make sure to whipe your eyes"
Title: Re: Separated Shoulder: Bye-Bye Bowling...
Post by: JOE FALCO on June 30, 2008, 10:27:09 PM
A lot more things in life aside from bowling .. thank God you are OK .. good luck!
Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
Title: Re: Separated Shoulder: Bye-Bye Bowling...
Post by: scotts33 on June 30, 2008, 10:34:06 PM

Let me tell you about 2 issues that have happened to me in the past 30+ years and both times physicians told me that I'd never use my right arm/shoulder again.

At 19 in Vietnam 1968 I took an AK-47 round to my right bicep..clean thru and hit the stock of my M-16 otherwise I'd be KIA right now.  Anyway luckily it only semi-fractured bone.  Dr.s said after re-hab I'd never be able to throw baseball, bowl, etc.  I proved them wrong and played baseball, fastpitch softball and other sports.

2nd forward to 1995.  I used to be a hardwood logger.....long story short large branch came out of a tree when I was felling it and hit my right shoulder driving me to the ground and broke my chromium...I still look off kilter chromium sticks up kinda funny <NFL lineman get this kind of injury often from years of blocking>..Doc said you're done.  Not yet Sir I am still bowling right handed and do decently although that year I bowled left handed w/ 14 lb urethane.

Sooooo, my point is it may look bleak right now but don't give up....... get different opinions and work with some great therapists and we will pray for your recovery all is not may just not have that high backswing anymore.

Chin up you always wanted to be a Wrongsider!  

Title: Re: Separated Shoulder: Bye-Bye Bowling...
Post by: mainzer on June 30, 2008, 10:46:55 PM
oh man good luck Slop I can't imagine being your shoes, Godspeed. my friend
Title: Re: Separated Shoulder: Bye-Bye Bowling...
Post by: JShiff on June 30, 2008, 10:57:19 PM
some guy at my bowling alley who bowled youth with chris loschetter said chris was lefty, blew out his shoulder and became a right hander.
wait what?
Title: Re: Separated Shoulder: Bye-Bye Bowling...
Post by: Monster Pike on June 30, 2008, 10:59:39 PM
Yeah, Good luck Slop.  Read Scotts33 reply.  Now that's some inspiration.

Thanks Scotts, for the story & your service.
"The last time I saw a face like that, it had a hook in it's mouth." Rodney Dangerfield
Title: Re: Separated Shoulder: Bye-Bye Bowling...
Post by: John D Davis on June 30, 2008, 11:02:21 PM
I agree... you should go left handed if you have a love for the game. If I could never bowl right handed again, I would mind. Heck frankly I cant beat those left handers so why not join them...
Title: Re: Separated Shoulder: Bye-Bye Bowling...
Post by: nextbowler on June 30, 2008, 11:35:58 PM
For right now, I think you should exercise some patience and wait and
see.  No, I do not know more than your Dr., but in over 25 years of
teaching and coaching, most of the shoulder injuries (especially
separations) do heal and most people have resumed normal activities.
You may not ever be a cranker, but you may very well be able to par-
ticipate on a high level.  The biggest problem would be if the
ligaments do need surgery.  Good luck.
Title: Re: Separated Shoulder: Bye-Bye Bowling...
Post by: scadreau on June 30, 2008, 11:57:27 PM

Don't worry about it too much.  The fact is that most people can recover from shoulder problems if they rehab with discipline.  Physically, one of the worst things for a shoulder is throwing hard and look at how many pitchers are able to return from major surgery.  

On a side note, get a 2nd opinion.  The fact that he wants to try to let it heal on its own is a bit concerning.  Before he makes that decision he should have ordered an MRI to see if it was a complete or partial tear of any of the ligaments.  There are many options and very few should prevent you from bowling again right handed.
Title: Re: Separated Shoulder: Bye-Bye Bowling...
Post by: JessN16 on July 01, 2008, 01:03:29 AM

I'd encourage you to see someone who specifically deals with sports injuries and ask them to devise a surgical/rehab plan for the express purpose of getting you back onto the lanes.

Sorry to hear about your injury, man. That's a tough one. I hope whatever you decide to do, it gets you back out there quickly.

Title: Re: Separated Shoulder: Bye-Bye Bowling...
Post by: se7en on July 01, 2008, 07:43:45 AM
I tore my shoulder really bad opening a stuck trunk on my car in the parking lot before league one night. Felt like someone stabbed me. After 3 months in a sling, I could lean forward from a sitting position on a couch to grab something off of a coffee table without using my other arm to pull myself forward.

Long story short, when I returned after a few months, I had almost no mobility and quit bowling.

10 years later a family member invited me out to bowl and I shot 257 my first game. Ended up making a come back.

A sports therapist I know told me how scar tissue likely strengthened the area and the chances I re injure it are low. Hope for the best.
There is nothing so easy to learn as experience and nothing so hard to apply.
Title: Re: Separated Shoulder: Bye-Bye Bowling...
Post by: BrooklynSlop on July 01, 2008, 08:06:21 AM
Thanks for the support, folks. I appreciate it.

As for an MRI, it's on the books for early next week. I am also seeking a 2nd opinion after the MRI is done just to be sure.

Maybe I'll give it a go as a south-paw? Like someone said earlier... What's the worst that could happen?
"Opportunity is never lost... It is taken by someone else."
Title: Re: Separated Shoulder: Bye-Bye Bowling...
Post by: Dan Belcher on July 01, 2008, 08:09:02 AM
Who knows, maybe you'll end up being even better left-handed over time?    And if you do get to bowl with your right hand again in the future, you'll probably have learned new things by experimenting with teaching yourself how to bowl all over again with your left hand that may translate over to your right.

And remember to let your shoulder heal, don't rush things.  And don't get lazy with any physical therapy they might have you do in the future!
Title: Re: Separated Shoulder: Bye-Bye Bowling...
Post by: baccala8872 on July 01, 2008, 08:26:07 AM

Good luck man.  Just give yourself the time to heal and you never know what may happen.  Keep thinking positive and know that we're always here for you.

If I ever saw an amputee being hanged, I'd just yell out letters.  --DM
Title: Re: Separated Shoulder: Bye-Bye Bowling...
Post by: dicnic on July 01, 2008, 10:16:24 AM
Talk to Lucky Lefty, he made the switch years ago.
Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
Title: Re: Separated Shoulder: Bye-Bye Bowling...
Post by: dicnic on July 01, 2008, 10:23:06 AM
Talk to Lucky Lefty, he made the switch years ago.

Perhaps starting over lefty would allow you to eliminate any bad habits you have picked up over the years righty. Get a coach and start as a beginner.

Good luck in your rehab.

Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.

Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
Title: Re: Separated Shoulder: Bye-Bye Bowling...
Post by: laddog54 on July 01, 2008, 10:50:07 AM
Try learning lefty. May be frustating but one of the reasons you love the game is the experience of learning. You now get a chance to do that again, sometime new challanges with increase your fondness of something. I have to have my left hip replace and my be learning lefty in the near future also. Good luck.
my vote for president is green nikes
Title: Re: Separated Shoulder: Bye-Bye Bowling...
Post by: jbuzz31 on July 01, 2008, 11:04:29 AM
i know how you feel man
i tore my shoulder up playin football. specifically my Labrum which holds it in socket.  foutunately all i needed was physical therapy.  although to this day about 5  years later it still hurts sometimes when its in use and id say i only have about 95% range of motion compared to my other arm afterwards.
Ive Eaten From The Insane Root That Imprisons Reason
Title: Re: Separated Shoulder: Bye-Bye Bowling...
Post by: scooter19530 on July 02, 2008, 05:29:23 AM
don't give up. i've had 4 rotator cuff surgeries, torn tendens and bone spurrs in the last 2 years, oh yeah, plus 2 screws inserted. it's very frustrating, after each surgery i looked forward to coming back only to have another setback, another surgery. i went to an orthopedic surgeon for the 1st 3 and then he sent me to a specialist. my suggestion, if your insurance will cover it, and you need surgery, go with a specialist from the start. i wish i would have, it would've saved me a year and a half of pain and grief. you will bowl again, i had to drop to 14# but am carrying a 207 average right now. i'm still a work in progress but patience is your # 1 concern. take it easy when you come back, you will have some doubts and trust issues but those will get easier as time goes on. good luck and don't get too down.
Title: Re: Separated Shoulder: Bye-Bye Bowling...
Post by: burly1 on July 02, 2008, 07:40:49 AM
I agree DO NOT GIVE UP! both of my shoulders are separated and have been for many years, in fact I fell bowling in 1980 and shattered my left one, I am no doctor but I did take this advice from mine, only operate if it dislocates and will not come back in on its own, I too had to sit out for about 8 weeks, then I started weight training to stregthen and tighten the joint, worked extremely well and the side benefit is you will be as strong as an ox lol.
Title: Re: Separated Shoulder: Bye-Bye Bowling...
Post by: RyanRPS on July 02, 2008, 07:42:32 AM
THats terrible If i were you, I would learn lefty... even if you cant bowl at the same level you will still get to enjoy the game, and who knows you could find it feels more natural after a while...

Title: Re: Separated Shoulder: Bye-Bye Bowling...
Post by: slowmofo908 on July 02, 2008, 03:15:55 PM
i sprained my ankle on friday. My ankle looks like a grapefruit and my foot looks like it had 200,000 botox injections.  I can't drive (stick shift) or walk for atleast 6 weeks.   which means I can't bowl.  
Also, 6 years ago, i had half of my hand replaced with bone from hip.  Pins, screws, and wire in my wrist.  The doctor said i could never bowl or do anything involving weight with my wrist again.  I proved him wrong.  Oh and don't even get me started on my other leg/ankle/knee   lets just say I cannot make it through an airport
dirty jerz
Title: Re: Separated Shoulder: Bye-Bye Bowling...
Post by: Buckwild on July 02, 2008, 04:06:28 PM

I'd encourage you to see someone who specifically deals with sports injuries and ask them to devise a surgical/rehab plan for the express purpose of getting you back onto the lanes.

Sorry to hear about your injury, man. That's a tough one. I hope whatever you decide to do, it gets you back out there quickly.


MY SENTIMENTS EXACTLY!! See a specialist. I doubt that your right-handed bowling career is over. Don't give up.
Title: Re: Separated Shoulder: Bye-Bye Bowling...
Post by: nextbowler on July 02, 2008, 07:24:00 PM
Patience--again, most of these injuries heal by themselves.  Don't do
anything drastic and don't listen to the advice to bowl with the
other hand.  The only things that may not heal are the ligaments.  If
that is the case, surgery can adequately repair them.