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Author Topic: Serious arsenal questions  (Read 1788 times)


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Serious arsenal questions
« on: December 15, 2003, 07:11:19 AM »
Serious replies only, please.  Don't waste my time or yours by replying with things like, "Oh this ball's awesome, it hooks a ton and carries the world."  Now to the specifics.

Honestly, I can play anywhere between 6th arrow and 2 board.  If you have to loft the left gutter, you're making it too hard on yourself.  Hand positions, speed, axis tilt, now that I corrected a lot of things, I can do just about do it all.  However, my preferred line, or "A" game is anywhere between 1st and 4th arrow, typically a high tracker, around 18 mph, 200-350 revs, 55 degree angle of rotation.  If I was to compare my game past the foul line to a pro's, I'd guess it'd be similar to Patrick Healey or Randy Pedersen's, but probably closest to Mike Haugen.  The company I'm primarily choosing from is Brunswick, but I'm partial to Storm, and possibly Lane 1.  

Lane surface and condition:  Brunswick ProAnvil synthetics, 6 years old, basic top hat pattern oiled 7-7, 23 feet, buffed to 37.  Mild backends, very wet/dry around 4-8.  Drill patterns that I don't like are anything where the fingers are higher than the pin, especially if the cg is kicked out.  Starts rolling in the buff area and rolls out at the backend.  Any rg, diff, or surface I can work with.  I have a Detonator drilled pin over bridge, cg out an inch, high flare weight hole, polished.  It's dead, rolls like urethane, my boss's Blue Dot outhooks it, probably has close to 600 games on it.  Primary ball, works VERY well down and in for me.  I also have a Hot Wire, stacked leverage, high flare weight hole, polished.  Didn't hook as much as I wanted it to sanded, also doesn't rev as soon as I hoped it would.  Same line as my Detonator, just handles a little more oil.  I intend for this to be a versatile tournament arsenal as well, I just primarily bowl league and practice on the conditions I mentioned.  

I'm already set on two balls so far.  Warp Zone, box surface, stacked leverage, high flare weight hole.  Fear Factor, box surface, high flare weight hole, pin and cg stacked, only I'm putting the pin above the ring finger.  Looking to use it quite often.

Detonator is my "urethane" ball, Hot Wire is my control ball.  I need smooth controlled hook, possibly a Raging Inferno, pin over bridge, cg in palm.  Particle Pearl, I'd LIKE an X-Factor Reloaded.  Control pearl, medium drilled Bruiser or perhaps a stacked Slay/R.  Low end pearl, weakly drilled Slay/R.  That should cover it.  

Here's the real deal though.  Storm doesn't have any pro shop ball programs, but Brunswick does, so it would be the best move for me to go almost exclusively Brunswick.  However, when it comes down to the two companies, I prefer Storm.  I'm ALSO using my arsenal as advertising in town.  A ton of people throw Brunswick.  Everybody in town has seen Infernos, Raging Infernos, every Monster but the Slay/R, Power Grooves, Time Zones, you name it.  All that's been seen from Storm is either the older stuff, a few original X-Factors, the Hot Wire and Hot Rod.  Nobody has seen a Fear Factor, X-Reloaded, Power Charge, Core Power HRG or LRG, any of the Erasers, or any of the new ones.  Besides, there are at least 3 people in town that can supply anybody with cheap Brunswick stuff.  Somebody likes a big B ball that I'm throwing, they'll go right to one of those 3 to get it, they won't come to the shop.  We've also got a guy that supplies people with Lane 1 stuff too.  Sorry for the long post, it's in my nature.  Thanks to anyone that actually bothers to read through all this and reply.
The weekly signature series, by Hamster.

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Re: Serious arsenal questions
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2003, 07:25:35 AM »
I don't understand the question.  You want to go with one company, but you're already settled on 2 Storms (Fear Factor, Hot Wire) and 2 Brunswicks (Warp Zone, Detonator)?  Do you want arsenal suggestions or help deciding which (one) company to go with?
Penn State Proud


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Re: Serious arsenal questions
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2003, 07:49:12 AM »
Strider makes a great point.....

you have 3 heavy oil balls already......Warp Zone, Detonator, Fear Factor....


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Re: Serious arsenal questions
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2003, 07:51:45 AM »
Both.  I like Brunswick, but the new stuff doesn't really do much for me.  I haven't seen anyone scoring with the Inferno at all, every drilling and surface on it seems to do the same thing, leave 10 pins.  Everybody and their dog has a Raging, it looks like an awesome ball.  Haven't heard many good things about the Blazing.  Already had a Time Zone.  Have a Power Groove.  I'd like a Slay/R, and possibly a Bruiser, but it worries me a little.  Storm just has so much more to choose from.  I already have the Detonator and Hot Wire, I'm set on the Fear Factor and Warp Zone, and I'm really trying to decide whether to make the rest of my arsenal Brunswick or Storm.  If I get a Brunswick ball program, I'm gonna have those coming like crazy, but like I said, they don't have a whole lot to choose from right now, and I need NEW stuff.  I loved the Fuze line, but the Inferno line just hasn't done it for me, I haven't seen anyone throw anything but the Raging well.
The weekly signature series, by Hamster, presenting a mini-series of quotes from the Blue Collar Comedy tour!

"Fishin reminds me of a girl I was with, we went down to the lake down 'ere.  She wanted to make love on a horse, and I'd never done it, so we did it, and I'm trying to keep my balance, and she's fallin' off, then the manager at the Wal-Mart came out and unplugged 'er there.  I didn't even want to make love on the horse, I wanted to do it on the rocket ship . ."


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Re: Serious arsenal questions
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2003, 07:53:46 AM »
Well, it may sound that way, but if you'll look closer, my Detonator is DEAD.  Rolls exactly like urethane, my boss's Blue Dot outhooks it.  I want the Warp Zone just short of maxxed out for soup.  I want the Fear Factor for hook that I can use at my home house, I think I'll be using it a lot.
The weekly signature series, by Hamster, presenting a mini-series of quotes from the Blue Collar Comedy tour!

"Fishin reminds me of a girl I was with, we went down to the lake down 'ere.  She wanted to make love on a horse, and I'd never done it, so we did it, and I'm trying to keep my balance, and she's fallin' off, then the manager at the Wal-Mart came out and unplugged 'er there.  I didn't even want to make love on the horse, I wanted to do it on the rocket ship . ."


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Re: Serious arsenal questions
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2003, 12:56:44 PM »
'm set on the Fear Factor and Warp Zone,

Hamster, you still have 2 heavy oil balls.....


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Re: Serious arsenal questions
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2003, 01:12:20 PM »
my expertise with respect to equipment deals is more in the golf area, but from what i "think" you're saying, storm is probably the way to go if you're gonna stick with one company.

the main reason for my suggestion is marketing.  ball companies don't do staff deals just to be nice . . . they want the better bowlers to advertise their equipment.  since you work in a shop, you're a good candidate.

you could get an inside track on alot of business by going with storm, cuz brunswick and lane #1 are saturated in the market.

from your personal perspective, don't you think storm has a much broader ball line than brunswick?  how many balls can you get?  do you get to test new balls?  any other benefits, such as gas money for tournaments?

talk with some more experienced bowlers that have company deals and see what they're getting.  what does the pro shop owner want you to do?  the point is, there's more to it than you're considering right now, IMHO.

good luck!  sounds like you have a great opportunity.  make it a win/win situation, and you'll be surprised where it gets you.
That which does not kill me makes me stronger . . .
That which does not kill me makes me stronger . . .


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Re: Serious arsenal questions
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2003, 01:17:29 PM »
I also said I intended for this to be a tournament arsenal as well.  Yes, Jeff, two heavy oil balls.  A very aggressive ball drilled very aggressively with very aggressive surface prep in the Warp Zone.  A slightly less aggressive ball drilled semi-weak with a moderately aggressive surface in the Fear Factor.  Might possibly polish it too.  I could VERY easily use it from 2nd or 3rd arrow, and I could even use the Warp Zone from 3rd or 4th.  Like I said, aggressive stuff doesn't mean too much to me.  When my Detonator was new, I could play 2nd arrow with it down and in, or I could move to 5th arrow and use it there too.  Take a little hand out of anything and throw it a little harder and it'll do fine.  If I was buying these balls specifically for my league shot, I wouldn't buy any of them, I do just fine with my Detonator, I don't even really need my Hot Wire but I have it just in case.  Between 2nd and 3rd arrow at 19 mph with 250 revs with the Fear Factor, I'll hit the pocket all night.  I'll burn a track a little too quickly maybe, but it'd be useable.
The weekly signature series, by Hamster, presenting a mini-series of quotes from the Blue Collar Comedy tour!

"Fishin reminds me of a girl I was with, we went down to the lake down 'ere.  She wanted to make love on a horse, and I'd never done it, so we did it, and I'm trying to keep my balance, and she's fallin' off, then the manager at the Wal-Mart came out and unplugged 'er there.  I didn't even want to make love on the horse, I wanted to do it on the rocket ship . ."


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Re: Serious arsenal questions
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2003, 01:25:12 PM »
Well, the pro shop ball programs aren't like sponsorship deals, and Storm doesn't have any programs.  It's a thing where if you buy a bunch of balls, you get a big discount, basically.  If I go with Brunswick, I get a bunch of them for a discount.  If I go with Storm, I have to buy everything at wholesale.  Like I said, I was impressed with the Fuze line and a few of the earlier Monsters, but nothing they have out now really looks special besides the Raging Inferno and maybe the Warp Zone.  With Storm, I really don't think I can go wrong with anything.
The weekly signature series, by Hamster, presenting a mini-series of quotes from the Blue Collar Comedy tour!

"Fishin reminds me of a girl I was with, we went down to the lake down 'ere.  She wanted to make love on a horse, and I'd never done it, so we did it, and I'm trying to keep my balance, and she's fallin' off, then the manager at the Wal-Mart came out and unplugged 'er there.  I didn't even want to make love on the horse, I wanted to do it on the rocket ship . ."


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Re: Serious arsenal questions
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2003, 01:34:28 PM »
i've heard of better deals with brunswick, track and roto grip.  what's the benefit to you to throw storm if they don't help you out?  you can get anyone's balls cheaper on ebay, for heaven's sake!!!  ask around . . .
That which does not kill me makes me stronger . . .
That which does not kill me makes me stronger . . .


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Re: Serious arsenal questions
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2003, 01:45:11 PM »
Well, wholesale is as cheap as I can get the NEW ones.  Ebay's even more expensive.  I doubt I'll be able to get anything anytime soon now, but I still want to keep all this in mind for future reference.
The weekly signature series, by Hamster, presenting a mini-series of quotes from the Blue Collar Comedy tour!

"Fishin reminds me of a girl I was with, we went down to the lake down 'ere.  She wanted to make love on a horse, and I'd never done it, so we did it, and I'm trying to keep my balance, and she's fallin' off, then the manager at the Wal-Mart came out and unplugged 'er there.  I didn't even want to make love on the horse, I wanted to do it on the rocket ship . ."


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Re: Serious arsenal questions
« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2003, 12:34:03 PM »
Thanks for the suggestions, tryingtocomeback.  I work in a pro shop, so I've got the inside info on all the drill patterns, surfaces, and whatnot.  I have noticed that Brunswick coverstocks seem to be pretty sensitive to altering them.  Every single one that I polish dies.  I've had two Red Fuzes do that, a Detonator, a Time Zone, a Purple Fuze, and a Scream/R.  Nothing seems to get them back.  I've also had Storm balls die on me, but that has been due to use, I believe.  I polished my Shock Trauma out of the box and it lasted 200+ games.  

BrianN, lol, I'm glad I'm not alone.  I figured someone would shoot me for saying that.  Obviously a lot of people score with the Inferno, but the stupid thing rolls SO early that it's dead by the time it gets to the backend.  Fluffers with oil or high speed players are the only ones I've even seen do halfway decent with one.  The Raging is good for lower rev players, although I've seen EVERYONE with every kind of style use one, and they all do well with it.  They're smooth enough to work very well at my home house.
The weekly signature series, by Hamster, presenting a mini-series of quotes from the Blue Collar Comedy tour!

"Fishin reminds me of a girl I was with, we went down to the lake down 'ere.  She wanted to make love on a horse, and I'd never done it, so we did it, and I'm trying to keep my balance, and she's fallin' off, then the manager at the Wal-Mart came out and unplugged 'er there.  I didn't even want to make love on the horse, I wanted to do it on the rocket ship . ."