Okay, Okay, hold it right now................
I know Bam's GF and believe me she is the one with the high top weight!!! OMG is she hot!!!! Tony was realllllly bored at work to start this mess, cuz she is Hustler Centefold hot and in luuuuuuvvvvv with the Bam MASTER!!
Just for y'all's information, Tony won ONE regional. It was the only regional that SHE has ever attended. She is sooo hot, she distracted the whole field and Tony won! She is why the PBA will not let Tony join or give him an official PBA banner. She is that hot!!!!
Imagine if you will Pamela Anderson sans tattoos, with DARK hair, beautiful DARK skin, and dark lips, only better, and she works out like freak too, she is that hot!!! And when she wears these dark framed glasses, that sexy intellectual look, holy sh......
Okay I feel better now, sorry Tony to let all the cats out of the bag.....
Mike Austin
Mike Austin's Precision Pro Shop
Houston, TX
Storm VIP Shop Member
Brunswick Pro Source Member
Drilling and Tech Advice BirdDogbowling.com
Coming soon !!! BowlingBallAuctions.com
Coming soon !!! PrecisionProShop.Allbowling.com
Driller to many "Stars" and Tony Melendez too!
Onward through the Storm!!!!