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Author Topic: Higher Scores Better for Bowling!  (Read 2289 times)


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Higher Scores Better for Bowling!
« on: October 05, 2009, 05:59:15 AM »
This article appears on the Digital Bowling web site.I'ts by Dick Evans.He concludes that high
scores are better for bowling.



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Re: Higher Scores Better for Bowling!
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2009, 02:17:23 PM »
I notice very little credit for bowler improvement or coaching.

Most all the improvement from environment and equipment.

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Re: Higher Scores Better for Bowling!
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2009, 02:33:41 PM »
High Scores are better for Bowling Centers. Customers are happy. More beer is sold.
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Re: Higher Scores Better for Bowling!
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2009, 08:50:30 PM »
How is it better for bowling when it is a joke already.

Look at dogman for gods sake he thinks he is putting up big numbers with 200 average

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Re: Higher Scores Better for Bowling!
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2009, 09:03:14 PM »
Most people that bowl leagues are ignorant of lane conditions.  They either bowl well or bowl bad.  Most times it doesn't matter to them and they don't spend a lot of time wondering why they bowled well or bad.  Now if they bowl well a majority of the time and they can occasionally put up some high scores then they are very happy.  It keeps them in the center they are in, if they have a choice of centers.  

Now this is not the majority of participants on these boards.  But you guys have to realize that yoou are a minority in the Nation wide bowling community.  In fact you are a  very small minority.  If you average over 220, you are like .08%  

Most league bowlers do not want to improve, they do not want to work to improve and they do not want to pay for coaching.  They might buy a new ball, but that's up for doubt too.  Many are still using old rubber balls.  Many are using entry level resin.  Very few, in the big picture, are using upper end equipment and making the most of it.  



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Re: Higher Scores Better for Bowling!
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2009, 10:06:59 PM »
I find your post a bit problematic.

On the one hand, you say that conditions need to be easy since the majority of bowlers: 1)are ignorant of conditions, 2) have no interest in improving, 3) and pretty much use antiquated equipment since they have no knowledge of how to use the "latest, greatest, ball."

So how can any "average" bowler, given 1-3 above, shoot high scores when today''s conditions have made antiquated balls useless in all but the most skillful hands?  I haven''t seen many supremely talented players shoot "lights out" with a Manhattan think the "average" bowler could do it seems laughable.

On top of that, given 1-3 above (as you described), how will the "average" bowler KNOW that conditions are any tougher?  Based on your statements, they are completely ignorant how will making a condition tougher make them knowledgeable all of a sudden?

Edited on 10/5/2009 10:08 PM


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Re: Higher Scores Better for Bowling!
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2009, 04:35:48 AM »
So how can any "average" bowler, given 1-3 above, shoot high scores when today''s conditions have made antiquated balls useless in all but the most skillful hands? I haven''t seen many supremely talented players shoot "lights out" with a Manhattan think the "average" bowler could do it seems laughable.

Sorry if you have not seen this yet.  But it does happen.  Mostly older men in this catagory.  

You are right that they would not know "harder" conditions either.  But there is a group that now, will not go back.  Bowling would lose participants if the conditions (overall) were made harder.  A bunch of people (male and female) that are in the 150-170 or so average range will quit if they can only avearage 140 to 160 or so.  They may not understand why they are averaging lower but they will not like it.  You will keep your ultimate recreational bowler.   And you may or maynot keep incoming bowlers as is the case now.  

Plus you have a policing problem.  How are you going to police harder conditions?  Right now there is no policing and the conditions are "easy".  Heck, I have to tell both centers I bowl in to turn on the foul lights when we bowl league.  

I think the only way you are going to get harder conditions is if you join a sport or pba league.  Or if USBC goes to some coding system as was suggested last year (Red/White/Blue).  But the center would have to be willing to participate and police it.  Fortunately there are Sport and PBA leagues for those that want them.  Conditions are only a "joke" to a very small minority.  And some of that minority will not find it a joke when you add a dozen or so years to your back.  


Kid Jete

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Re: Higher Scores Better for Bowling!
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2009, 01:00:13 PM »
From a general league standpoint higher scores are always better.  Just look at the houses notorious for honor scores, they are always booked solid with leagues.  I know there are people, especially on this site, that think otherwise but that's much more from their personal standpoint than a business one.

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Re: Higher Scores Better for Bowling!
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2009, 02:57:47 PM »
think that no matter what the scoring is the best bowler will come out on top whether it be in a league or tournament, so don't worry about the high scoring, it's like the cheetah pattern is the higher scoring pattern of the PBA tour but the best bowler that week will win.

I agree with this with one exception. It makes sense, but I will throw that one word in .... "HANDICAP"

When you throw this into the mix. Sometimes its not the best bowler coming out on top.

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Re: Higher Scores Better for Bowling!
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2009, 12:34:35 PM »
Seems like a good place to add this one. My thoughts have been for some time that the easy scoring has hurt bowling, but how do you go back? Well from a recent article, USBC is looking at another answer.

Did anyone see the new Red,White and Blue lane condition article in Bowler's Journal or may have been the magazine USBC sends out. A league or center will have to choose which patterns they want to run for a league. Red is the great wall, White in the middle and Blue the toughest of those and of course Sport will be the top of the line toughest patterns of all. Now not sure how they plan to enforce the conditions or if these will be tied to awards somehow. They say these will go into affect for tournaments next spring and leagues in the fall. Lets see how many leagues choose Blue..


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Re: Higher Scores Better for Bowling!
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2009, 01:47:00 PM »
The technology has to match the lane condition. And a walled shot with backend is what all of todays equipment is matched up to.. If people don't want high scores then a lane condition can be put out to nullify any advantage that new equipment has.  The problem is that USBC wants people to be able to put up high scores and bowl and have fun and think they are just as good as the pros on any given night.. the Pros and purists want respect for bowlers with the higher skill being able to show that they are different and a seperate better breed from the average bowler...

If the USBC or someone wants lower scores than put out a shot that will do it..
And a tougher shot doesn't mean more oil.. which is a concern of most alleys..

16-17 mph,350 rpm,PAP 5 1/2 x 3/8up, HighGame 300 x 3, High Series 782
Book Average 205,PBA Xperience ave180

350 RPM, 17 MPH

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Re: Higher Scores Better for Bowling!
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2009, 01:56:05 PM »
The problem is that USBC wants people to be able to put up high scores and bowl and have fun and think they are just as good as the pros on any given night..

I think we have done a pretty good job getting this message out. There still might be some out there that think this way, but overall the message has been sent across the USBC. It might of taken 8 years (which is ridiculous).

Edited on 10/9/2009 1:56 PM
Talkin' Trash!


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Re: Higher Scores Better for Bowling!
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2009, 03:08:13 PM »
The thing to remember about the subject article is that Dick Evans was saying that higher scoring is good for bowling PUBLICITY.  He didn't necessarily say that it was good for bowling itself (that would probably be the subject of another article).

I think it is good for PUBLICITY, but within reason.  A good story here or there is good.  However seeing teenagers shoot honor score left and right, or dare I say 900, is not good for the image that bowling is a SPORT.

There are plenty of "feel-good" stories about the 11-yr old that got a hole-in-one, for example.  Yet I don't recall seeing a story of an 11-yr old shooting 59 on ANY course.  Such a story would probably make golf seem like a joke, or show that the youth was a prodigy.  As it has happened to bowling, I think we know where that went.  Apparently there is such a thing as bad publicity.


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Re: Higher Scores Better for Bowling!
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2009, 08:24:18 PM »
How is it better for bowling when it is a joke already.

Look at dogman for gods sake he thinks he is putting up big numbers with 200 average--------------------

I think alot of folks on this site got a misread of Dogmann666. Those averages are not on the THS. The PBAX league average he posted(out of fun to see who would respond) which started that thread was done over the summer with a Lane1 XXXL bowling ball. Like to see the averages of some of this sites hot shots using plastic on the PBA and US Open pattern. Really doesn't matter though, you usually can find Dogmann666 at the High Rollers, particluarly in Feburary. I am sure he will give anyone any action they want.
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