I find your post a bit problematic.
On the one hand, you say that conditions need to be easy since the majority of bowlers: 1)are ignorant of conditions, 2) have no interest in improving, 3) and pretty much use antiquated equipment since they have no knowledge of how to use the "latest, greatest, ball."
So how can any "average" bowler, given 1-3 above, shoot high scores when today''s conditions have made antiquated balls useless in all but the most skillful hands? I haven''t seen many supremely talented players shoot "lights out" with a Manhattan think the "average" bowler could do it seems laughable.
On top of that, given 1-3 above (as you described), how will the "average" bowler KNOW that conditions are any tougher? Based on your statements, they are completely ignorant how will making a condition tougher make them knowledgeable all of a sudden?
Edited on 10/5/2009 10:08 PM