I'm going to depart from the norm and not call for changes in lane conditions or balls.
My first idea is for the USBC to promote changes in league secretary software to enable league secretaries to easily list not only the bowlers' cumulative average for the season to date, but also list the averages for the most recent 21 games (or some other number as chosen by the league). This idea was brought up (by SrKegler I think) a few weeks ago and stimulated much positive discussion. It is a good way to limit the effects of sandbagging, and it also limits the advantage that teams of improving novice bowlers have in handicapped leagues.
I'd also like to see the USBC put together a cogent, well-written yet mathematically simple group of alternative methods for teams to acquire points in their nightly competitions. The old standby seven and four points systems are outdated and boring. There are many interesting alternatives, some including points accrued by individual bowlers versus their correspondent in the same lineup spot on the other team. The difficulty in instituting any of these systems is that in bowling league meetings no one has the patience or attention span to attempt to understand something different and perhaps a bit more complicated. I've also frequently heard concerns expressed about whether more unusual points systems are legal, and they therefore get voted down due not only to lack of understanding of the system, but worries over whether they are within "the rules." If a well written (and as short as possible) explanation of some of the other point systems--with advantages and disadvantages--was distributed by the governing body, it would eliminate questions of "legality" and if the secretaries could get sheets of such info distributed to team captains before league meetings, maybe more of these more interesting point systems could be adopted and increase the bowlers' interest in the competition. I've seen slapdash blurbs from ABC about how leagues might consider alternative point systems, but nothing that would catch the attention of anyone other than obsessive readers of everything such as myself.
Actually, I can't read everything. I just got back from out of town and when I opened up this site for the first time in about 10 days I had 24 pages of "Latest Posts" looking at me. I couldn't deal with trying to catch up on all of that, so I just started fresh with today. It'll have to do.

Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top