When you bend more at the waist, it changes the position of your hand on the ball at the release point, and will cause you to lose some of the leverage you have on it.
If you can stay a bit more upright, and use more knee bend to get the ball down onto the lane instead of bending at the waist, it will give you the opportunity to "stay with" the release and not "top" the ball as much at the release point.
This is a problem I have myself, and since my knee is bad on my slide leg, I often catch myself wondering why my shots look decent, but just don't seem to be "hitting" like they should, and it ends up being this bending at the waist instead of the knee, causing me to lose leverage.
There is a point that exists that will optimize the release, but, since each individuals physiology is different, that point will also be slightly different for every bowler. With some concious effort and attention, you should be able to find yours.