I hardly ever cross over to brooklyn in our sport league, but you're right. It's not as challenging as most sport patterns, but the house it at carries terribly. A really hard shot there would be hell. Last week I was saying how I hit dead flush 6 shots in a row and went X7X9XX. Flush 7 pin, then next shot on the same lane, flush 9. And these were good shots, by far the best I've made in that league. I ended up tying the game because of it. Of course, I had to pick up the 3-6-9-10 on my fill ball to force her to get at least 9 on hers, and I did, but she got 9. I had a game last week where I started off terribly. I couldn't get anything working, nearly everyone was having big problems sliding. I almost fell down a couple times, and nothing was helping. I finally got it ironed out somewhat, and as soon as I did, I went on a streak. Starting in the 5th frame, I went 4 strikes, pocket 7-10, and then I struck out. You wanna talk about killing a game. I could have ended on 8 strikes in a row (although I went the first three frames with opens, and the 4th with a 9/). I had 5 7-10's that night.
The high game in the league is 276, high series (two 2 game sets per night, four games total) for 2 is 450-something, and high series for 4 is 870-something, all by the same guy. High average is something like 194. That isn't for lack of accessibility. It's for lack of carry, big time. You can hit the pocket FLUSH 5 times in a row and leave 5 different things, and it won't be surprising. It's terrible, isn't it? I wish just once in a while I'd tug a shot bad enough to luck out a brook in the middle of a string. There's a guy in the league that does that really bad. He'll get a string of 6 going, and you know at least 2 of them are brooks.
Forget Kung Fu, I know Ron Bahr!!!
The only difference between youth and adult leagues are that the big boys are allowed to whine. They're more entertaining anyway.