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Author Topic: Share your pro shop mishaps!  (Read 2097 times)


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Share your pro shop mishaps!
« on: December 09, 2013, 01:18:33 PM »
This is for pro shops and customers alike.  Any mistake, freak accident, job that a shop operator swore to you was fine, etc. 

1. Get slug stuck halfway into ball.  I haven't had a ball split because of this before, but my boss has.

2. Forget to reset pitches before shaving top of slug off.  For those that don't know, there's always about 1/4 inch sticking out of the ball after you insert it that needs to be shaved down flush with the ball after drilling.  It's kind of a crescent shaped bit, used for shaving slugs and ball plug down, and it's shaped to fit the ball, so if you have the pitches at zero, it gets the slug or plug flush and even with the ball.  If you don't reset the pitches however . .

3. Ball plug doesn't set up.  Nearly impossible to clean up, super sticky, super thick, super tacky, just horrific stuff. 

4. Bit stuck in chuck.  The trick isn't getting the bit loose, it's getting the bit loose without stripping the grip on the chuck or really gouging it. 

Just a few to get you started, I don't want to share too many lol.
What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis?



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Re: Share your pro shop mishaps!
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2013, 02:17:54 PM »
Plug that doesn't set up is kids stuff compared to silicone for a thumb mold when you forget to put the catalyst in because you got distracted by a phone call. 

Not that I'm admitting to forgetting to put the pump of hardener in the plug cup.  And I've lost count of how many times I've left it in the cup to set up because I couldn't remember if I did and wasn't going to take the chance. 

Wasn't me, but we had a guy straight off the PBA truck come to work for us.  He shall remain nameless to protect the guilty.  First 2 balls he did, both for the same guy.  Lays them out, drills them, ready to go.  Weight holes and all.  I go back in the shop.  Ask who those are for.  He says Joe Smith or whatever the customers name was.  I look at the balls, tell him "nice job, but that guy's left handed".  Never looked at the spec sheet to see that left handed was not only marked, but circled.  I always circled LH so I wouldn't miss it.  Needless to say I got a lot of mileage out of that one.


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Re: Share your pro shop mishaps!
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2013, 02:19:25 PM »
You just hope when you put the smile into the ball it's a plug job and not cutting a slug on a new ball.  Making the phone call that it will be another day is bad enough.

Impending Doom

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Re: Share your pro shop mishaps!
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2013, 02:48:18 PM »
1. Drilling into a Ceramicore with my Sidewinder, and having the machine lurch at me and spit the bit out. (They weren't kidding about not drilling into the thing.)

2. Heat went out in the center overnight, didn't tell me, came in the next afternoon, grabbed a ball that I was plugging, didn't test it to make sure it was ok, and plug spilled all over me.

3. Rubbed superglue into my eyes on accident and RAN to the bathroom before my eyes sealed shut because i felt my lashes sticking together.

4. Forgotten to fasten down one of my own balls while drilling, and watched the bit go nuts.

5. Somehow, I missed someone's span by an inch on a Gilmac.

6. Left the stick in my plug. :(

7. Hammered a slug into my Tremor, watched it as it looked like it was cracking, put it in the box, came back the next morning, the "crack" was gone. (Ball was awesome, BTW)

Matt Fortney

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Re: Share your pro shop mishaps!
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2013, 03:01:03 PM »
Lol, so I was drilling a ball for (thankfully) myself last season and for some stupid reason did opposite lateral pitches on the fingers. Oops.

Also, just a few weeks ago I had a plugged ball that for some reason didn't harden quite as well as it should have. It was relatively hard, as it wasn't quite liquid anymore when I cut it down...just a sticky mess and a re-plug lol.



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Re: Share your pro shop mishaps!
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2013, 03:43:21 PM »
When I was still drilling (between 15 to 20 years ago ie young and stupid):

1. A friend who is like a brother to me, I  drilled his Pearl Pulse with 4 oz of side weight. Then in my infinite wisdom figured I could just put a BIG balance hole in to get it to legal. FAIL. Learned an important lesson about weighing a ball first.

2. My wife bought me a Vis a Ball Spare ball. I was being impatient because my driller/ brother was busy so I figured I couldn't screw up drilling a spare ball too much.  Yup went through the scale room at Nationals with the guy laughing at, and with me that I had drilled the ball upside down. Oops Makes a great paper weight though.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2013, 03:45:34 PM by Dewey24 »