OK, I'm truly trying to finalize my arsenal....Current one as follows:
Light- Power Groove Reactive
Medium- N/A
Heavy- Diesel particle
Obviously, I have a gap in the medium spot. I narrowed it down to the sheer havoc, and the Monster Smash/R. Now, I had the smashr before, but it was only 14 (I throw 15) so I threw it too fast, but I liked it for the most part. I wonder if I should just buy another, or go with something new, from a different company (sheer havoc). How do you think they compare, and would fit in?
I was thinking of a Big Blue Pearl (to get the free spare ball which I desperately need), but I thought that there would be too much overlap with the diesel that it wouldn't work. Or would I be able to take it to a higher finish and solve that problem?
So, should I go familiar (smashr), go new with a particle pearl (Sheer Havoc), or could I go with the wallet easy option of the Big Blue Pearl/Spare, but with a high finish?
Please give advice.